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New Ericson 28 Owner - Kenosha, WI


Junior Member
Thanksgiving greetings.

My wife and I finally took the big plunge. We just purchased a beautiful well-kept 1988 Ericson 28 on Lake Michigan. We have been out of the water for over 20 years and have a lot of catching up to do. Many thanks to the knowledgeable owners on this forum that have provided straightforward advice and recommendations.

I am eh.. somewhat analytical by nature and have driven my wife to distraction the past year comparing brands, models, equipment, value/price ratios and yes performance numbers etc. If it had a measurement, I had it in the spreadsheet. Through all the analysis, C&C, Ericson, Sabre and Tartans were brands that had made the short list. I found that shopping was fun, coming to a decision was difficult.

I was at a broker, looking at an Ericson 35, taking pictures, making my list of issues that would need to be resolved, when I met the previous owner of the boat I just purchased. He had recently made the decision to sell her and was preparing the boat to be shown. After a just few minutes of conversation, I learned that he had owned the boat since he had watched it being built, it had become part of his family or maybe part of him. As he talked, it was clear that he was passionate about his baby and hated to have to part with her.

An epiphany... this decision wasn't just about the numbers, there was a visceral, in your gut component to the decision. In that moment I understood what my sailing friend meant when he told me that 'You will know when you find the right boat'. So.... she became ours.

Knowing my natural cautious tendancies, I'm just curious how others have dealt with this sweet agony of buying your boat?



Member III

A long time ago a sailor told me this. The best two days in a sailors life is the day you buy a boat and the day you sell it. The rest is gravy. I have never been happier than when I am epoxieng something or fixing something else.

Welcome to Ericson ownership.

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Congrats & Welcome

Congrats and welcome to the family, Bill! I'm sure your family will continue to enjoy an Ericson that apparently has been loved for a long time...

Please do take an image or two and post it here so we can see what your new boat looks like - and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!



Member III
Where on Lake Michigan do you sail out of? I grew up on Lake Michigan in a place called Michigan City sailing Hobie Cats, I now sail an Ericson out of So California. Wish you the best with your new boat would love to see you post a pic.

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
Congratulations on your purchase! It's always great to have a good boat to think about on a "bad hair" day, and better yet, to go sailing on! But just a caution, having owned three good boats, no matter how well the previous owner looked after them or how positive the survey, I still discovered things that weren't to my likeing and needed repair or modification, so you may want to be prepared for that with budget and time.
However, if you really like the boat, you probably won't mind too much spending a bit of time, effort and money to maker her even better! :egrin:

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author

May I also add congratulations on your new family member.
I hope that you try out the "search" function on this site -- there are many threads with information applicable to your model and to very similar models (and, to very similar gear and systems on many other models, as well.).
For instance, if you do a search on words like "new owner" you would find threads like this one:

Between getting our families out on the water, and customizing our boats to our own needs and dreams, boat ownership can be Quite A Rush!

Here's to sunny days and driving to weather in 12 kts apparent, and to quiet nights at anchor under the stars,




Junior Member
A couple of pics

Thanks for the welcome and good wishes.

A couple of pictures of the new boat should be attached to this post.

I have started a list of projects and will be prioritizing and budgeting over the next few weeks. In the meantime, I'll be trolling around on this forum. Keep the advice coming - we really do have a lot to learn.

Don - We sail out of Kenosha, WI - The city built a nice new marina a few years ago and I'm blessed to live just 2 blocks from where the boat will be.

Wes - I lived in Joplin, MO for the past 20 years and have sailed on Grand Lake around the Grove/Afton area many times. Is this the same lake you refer to as Grande Lake Oklahoma?

Loren - I'm sure I will wear out that search function. Maybe that will keep me busy while waiting on those warm sunny days!



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Member III
She is defintely a beauty and looks like has been well maintained. My neighbor( in marina) grew up Kenosha, Steve Schumacher sails a Cape Dory 28. He says it's a beautiful place. Have fun and watch those northern blows.

Gary G

Member II
Post T-day greetings


Welcome to the group. I also have an E28+ (1983) and sail just south of you out of Waukegan harbor. We occassionaly make the run up to Kenosha for an overnight. You definitely have a great location to be sailing out of and you will love the boat. There are a lot of Ericsons of all ages and types in the general area and many friendly, knowledgable skippers. Now if we can just get through the next 6 months we'll have some good sailing weather!



Fellow Ericson Owner

Welcome! - you'll love the boat!

I sail out of Reefpoint in Racine - just north of you and farther north of Gary.

Gary I sail Wednesday nights out of Waukegan on Aquanimity with Ron Kalllen - you wouldn't happen to know him?

Biggest problem you'll probably end up with is mine - my budget never seems large enough to fund all the projects I have would like to do!

Anywho, welcome and enjoy the long winter - seems like a long time 'till splash-down on April 1st.
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Member III
Answer back at ya..


Yes we are on Grand Lake. We sail out of Rapers Hollow which is South of Grove on the Grove side of the lake about 4 miles north of the damm. We love the area and have been happy with Grand. We were hunter owners before we moved back to Oklahoma and became Ericson Owners. This is a ausome forum and the other Owners are a great source of knoledge.

Love the Joplin area and my company serves many of the restaurants there. Wilders would be my favorite.

Good luck,


Junior Member
Larsen Marine

Gary / Jason,

Just curious, if either of you have had any experience with Larsen Marine in Waukegan? That is where the boat has been wintered and previous owner had all his maintenance done.

I'm wondering if it is worthwhile to continue to have Larsen do the major maintenance on the boat even after I move it to Kenosha - (I assume about 2-3 hours away)



Fellow Ericson Owner
I don't have any personal experience with them, however I know people that have had work done there, they are always pleased.

I needed a furler installed and they were the highest priced out of all the other yards I tried. I ended up going with Racine Riverside Marine. They are a bit of a sail from you though.


Member III

Congrats on your Ericson, I'm sure you'll love it. We sail out of Kenosha also! We are on A dock, in the 'limited service' or low rent district.

Out boat came from Larsens and saw good sevice there according to the PO. I've not had any work done there but was treated well while Mindscape was there. They were very efficient at stepping the mast and had the right equipment.

There are a couple of E boats in our marina. Larsens was a dealer and sold a number of them back in the 70's and 80's.

After looking at boats for quite some time I had it down to Tarten and Sabre, but then saw what is now my Ericson, had a chance to meet the PO. I was sold, brought the Admiral to take a look, she loved it, and still loves it (3 years later). It took me a year to find a boat, spent a season with no boat, but kept my slip (ouch!). I looked all over the US, my job allows me to travel and I looked around quite a bit. Turned out that the boat for me was in Waukegen, at Larsens, which allowed me to spend money on the boat that I may of had to spend on trucking it. I continue to be very happy with our decision. I have a list like you, but the beauty of the boat is under sail.

This list has been an invaluable tool for info. You may also get a chance to meet Seth at one of the local boat shows (who posts here often), take the chance, he knows a ton about sailing and Ericsons.

As I have suggested to a number of new owners, don't let that list get in the way of sailing!

Gary G

Member II

I bought my boat through Larsen and store it there. They were a large Ericson dealer back in the day and know the boats well. They can provide just about anything you need as long as you provide what they need ($$$$). From Kenosha by car you are not nearly so far away - more like 45 minutes as opposed to 2-3 hours. I am satisfied with their services and the staff (brokerage and service) has always been friendly and helpful.


Junior Member
Kenosha Ericsons

Thanks for the reply. The Southpointe has a waiting list as you probably know and there were only three 35' or smaller slips that came available this fall. We will be over on the D dock (if memory is correct). I would prefer to be in the E slips - maybe next year. I can understand why you kept the slip even with no boat!!

If you don't mind me asking - Where do you get your boat serviced now?
Look forward to meeting you next year.

Gary - Thanks for the feedback. Everyone seems to happy with the quality of Larson's service, just not the price. Funny how that works. :rolleyes:



Member III
Servicing my Ericson

Bill - I've done everything myself so far, except for making my main sail! I've typically done my work myself. I do know that some of the guys have used Racine Riverside as Jason mentioned and have been happy. I don't recomend the guys at our marina, they are powerboat guys. Larsen's know's sailboats, and did sell bunches of Ericsons but are costly. When it comes time to get something done I'm not sure what I'll do. Sorry I can't be more help.