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Next Years (2006) Ericson Rendezvous

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Member III
2006 rendevouz

Hi Stuart, that all sounds good to me. Unless we hear some problems with the date, we should just GITTER DONE! A poll would be good if we want to find out if there are any problems, though. :devil: Harold, Mischief Maker

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
June 18, 2006, works for us. We should only have about half a vote, since odds are that we will drive up...
Loren in PDX


Member III
Next Years RDV

I'll float this one out there for some other folks who may be apprehensive about soutnding off. I will start off by saying I DON'T CARE EITHER WAY; I'M IN!

That being said, there may be father's out there who have a pressing responsibility to stay home to celebrate it with kids, grandkids, etc. If we want maximum participation, we may need to factor that in.

As mentioned, no kids, not conflicts, no opinion either way.


Dick Stivers

New Member
2006 NW Ericson Rendezvous

Port Hudson - weekend of June 18th get my vote for 2006 Ericson rendezvous. Last year was my first rendezvous and I barley squeezed in with late reservation. Thanks for your encouragement Stuart. This time I’ll register very early by watching this spot.

Dick Stivers
E 29 Bright Angel


Member II
2006 PNW Rendezvous

Hi All

I am thinking from the responses we say the June 18th weekend at Port Hudson.:egrin:

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Not that it matters (my opinion, I mean), but I think that date and place are fine - good - do it.

Oh, also - Happy Holidays to everyone! :)


Dave G

Member II
We were there last year and had a great time, June 18th sounds great. What better way could there be to spend the Fathers day weekend!

Dave and Kathy Green
E-29 Spirit
Bellingham, WA

Masallah 04

Member II
Port Hudson Reservations?

I've never been to an Ericson Rendezvous, but noticed we needed to make reservations in advance. I'm assuming this is for slips? I'm thinking of treking north for the event. Would appreciate knowing who to call to make reservations, and "for what".
Masallah E35II.
Newport, OR


Member III
Rendezvous 2006

Well, it's getting close to the time to make Reservations at P.T., and like some other folks that like to get these things done and out of the way, I would like to see names and numbers to contact for reservations. Is last year's info still accurate? Maybe we could just use that. I'm not in a hurry as much as as I am anticipating another great time! Again, thank you for all you guys and gals do to make this happen! Happy Holidays, Hodo


Member I
Hope to see you there.

Just bought my E-29 last July and have been sailing around the San Juans and Port Townsend area, didn't even know that this organization existed. Let me know when the official date has been set for the rendezvous and I will try to see you all there. Bob


Member II
2006 Ericson Rendezvous

Hi All:egrin:

I have just spoken with Rhonda at Point Hudson Marina, they would be happy to have us back. I am going to book the marina for June 18th Weekend on January 2nd, that is as soon as we are able to. I am hoping this good with all.

Please book your slips as soon as possible, I belive they still have a 24 hour cancellation policy so if anything changes and you will become unable to attend, it is easy to cancel.

This is a link for the marina and information, also just Google Port Townsend or Point HUdson, lots comes up.



Moved to PORT SIDNEY due to storm damage at Point Hudson

Stuart MacKenzie
E-31 Independence
Vancouver BC
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Member II
PNW 2006 Rendezvous

Hi All

I have just spoken to Rhonda at Point Hudson Marina, she is well but there was a bit of a storm and it took out a lot of the docks. :( These will probably not be repaired or replaced until they do the entire marina.
There are only 13 slips left, she will allow us to reserve 4 on the transient dock for a total of 17, two of these are in shallow water and we may not be able to use them. This would leave room for several other boats on a first come basis to raft out on the transient dock. As we had about 34 vessels last year this leaves us a bit short of dock space.

After much discussion last year we decided on Point Hudson with Sidney BC being a close second. What are the thoughts of going to Sidney this year?

Stuart MacKenzie

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Sad news indeed. Is there a web cam or URL to enable us foreigners to get a look at the Sydney facility?


mark reed

Member III
Heck, let's buy it!

I am sorry to hear about the damage to Port Hudson. If we decide to move the rendezvous to Sidney, I would still plan on attending.

In response to Loren's query, the best pictures I could find of Port Sidney Marina are in a sales brochure!


Member II
2006 PNW rendezvous

Hi Loren

Here are some links to Sidney, the marina web page is down right now but these will give you a good idea of the town. It’s a great spot to visit and very accessible by ferry from Anacortes or Vancouver, cheap flights from Seattle to Victoria and a short bus trip to Sidney. Once in Sidney there is not really any need for a car.

Stuart MacKenzie





Sidney Spit Marine Park is a fantastic spot with BBQ facilities and campground, only a short sail away, the two links below are for the marine park.


A and J

Member I
Port of Sidney is a beautiful Marina, wide concrete docks. There are several marinas in Tsekum Harbour, just south of Sidney, including Sidney North Saanich Marina for those who have reciprocal moorage (that's where we have our boats). The Victoria airport is closer to Sidney than Victoria so would be a low cab fair. Sidney has a market every thursday night in the spring and the summer with over 200 vendors selling crafts, local vegetables etc, and is worth seeing if you can come early.

A and J
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