but I digress...

I know this is all off-topic for the folks who are looking for info about the glow-in-the-dark tell-tales from Nightsailing.com, and I apologize...
Don't know Gary's boat...he's a member (as am I) of a loosely organized boat club...the Rhode River Boat Club...no physical facilities...and very reasonable annual dues ($35)...they cosponsor and/or sponsor and/or support a few races each year (the Annapolis/St. Michaels race over Memorial Day wkend along with the Miles River Yacht Club and the Clipper City Ghost Regatta, 10/27 - 29 this year), plus a fun race to Dun Cove from the mouth of the West River in June followed by a raft-up, and a Crab Feast the last weekend in August at the Wye River Conference Lodge on Wye Island w/ a raft-up in Granary Creek off the East Wye River immediately adjacent to the lodge (the crab feast is cosponsored by the Chesapeake Bay Pearson Owners Association)...and other than that, whatever they can think up except for the annual dinner/meeting that has always been held to my knowledge in late January at Pirates Cove in Galesville.
This year, Gary has volunteered to "lead" a sail from the general Annapolis area to Oxford on 9/23, slips have been reserved at Mears marina, which is immediately to one's right as one enters Town Creek off the Tred Avon. I think we're going to join in that one. If so, I'll have an idea as to Gary's boat! This isn't to say that if folks want to drop the hook solo or raft-up in the immediate environs of Oxford couldn't do so.
Although, it's rare to the point of perhaps happening once a year that we get over to Spirit on a weekday, I'll keep an eye out for you...and I can't see any reason why other folks can't join in the sail to Oxford. I had already mentioned it to Cap'n Nero & the Galley Slave of Kokomo fame.