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Oh what fun!



ROTFLMAO!!! Boy will Steve be P.O.ed when he finds out he is the KOA. IIRC he is trying to simplify his life,LOL.:egrin:



Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member
Fun times off the rocks

I am not always stuck in the mud.

Frames: colors, Helmsman and I, leaving Hunter 30 and closing on Catalina 25



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Fun times

Hi Randy,

Nice pics. I hope the helmsman is drinking a cheap beer. Steve gets upset if somebody spends extra money for quality beer :egrin:. Speaking of cheap beer, I was reading your thread about corrosion in your gas tank. Steve told me that he uses OLD cheap beer to clean the crud from his tank :rolleyes: . I happen to know that he has some very old stuff in an old moldy cooler out in his garage(that is if the place hasn't been sold in the sheriff's sale :egrin: ,check out past threads pertaining to sheriffs sale). I'll bet that he'll sell you some if you're willing to part with large sums of money:D . Well,enough Steve bashing for now, I'll write later.

Fair winds,


P.S. Has anybody heard from Kim?

Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member
I am glad I horned in on your thread. You guys need to visit NE AL and drink some cheep beer with us. Natural Light, Bush and an occasional diet Bud.

Rumor has it I make the best margaritas in the world. I just know the more you drink the better they are
Cheap beer


Too bad we hadn't gotten to know each other sooner. The company I work for had (past trense) a shop in Dallas, Ga. that we shut down last spring. I didn't get down there very often and don't know if I ever will in the future but we never now what the future holds in store for us, right?

This happened to Steve and I a couple of times. In fact, I drove through his town numerous times but didn't know him then. I hope to be close ( Beaufort, N.C.) for a sailboat race/challange in a year and a half...who knows? Why not sign up for the event? Check out www.sailfar.net then scroll down to "The Scoot". I go by the moniker of "Pappy Jack". It's for boats of 20-30' +- and goes from Beaufort to Eleuthera. Oh well, something to think about.

Fair winds,

Steve's video

Hey Kim, Randy and others,

Just got a video from Steve and Tawni on their new boat!!! Sure looks like they're having loads of fun and sure do wish I was with them:egrin: :eek: :D. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKusg6Jyc9Y. I don't think Steve has time for cheap (or otherwise)beer and bet he wishes he had better foul weather gear:egrin: I'm sure we'll hear all about it when they get back.

Fair winds,

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Kim Schoedel

Member III
Looks like the Sea of Cortez is a bit choppy for our buddy Steve S. I would be loosing my cheap beer over the sides with that weather.

I understand from Steve's wife that he is now mooching dinner off of new friends at the Marina so he can save money for his beer fetish. There is NO such thing as cheap beer where they are! He told me that the first thing he did during their inspection trip to see if the new boat was something they would like buy is check out the cheap beer prices! Apon his return to Idaho, he called me to tell me how much the beer will cost him. He liked the boat but was depressed about the expensive beer.

Sure is fun to pick on Steve when he is unavailable to retaliate.

Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member
Looks like Steve is almost becalmed to me.

Really how in a country where the average national income is $17.42 can a beer cost $2.50. I have never understood that.

My girlfriend and I are headed to the West Caribbean and I dread the cost of a beer but look forward to a week if comfort of a cruise ship over the E29. We have been spending two or three nights a week on the 29 and loving it. If you are in a cold area and spend the night on the boat I can recommend a twin bed electric blanket, great for comfort sleeping or just hanging out covered up and reading or watching a movie on the boat.

Please don’t copy my paper towel and electrical tape curtains.


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Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Please don’t copy my paper towel and electrical tape curtains.

Randy, Don't feel bad about the paper towel curtains... We have done that for years when tied to a dock on one side and needing some privacy. Do switch to 3M blue tape. It will not leave a residue on the interior surfaces.


Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member
It’s amazing we spend 90 hours under the boat grinding filling and sanding then painting and we won’t spend a couple of hours to make curtains for the boat. The last haul out I spent over $5K on the boat and no curtains.

This is one of the projects that will fall after the V berth getting the foam mattress pad add on and fitting the sheets and comforter to the mattress and probably after the new interior upholstery.

Kim Schoedel

Member III
How many?

Yes, the correct answer is three. With Steve S involved, it takes 2 healthy guys to hold Steve down long enough to regain possession of the cheap beer he has sneaked out of our own stash and stuffed into the oversized pockets of his WMFWG. At 6'5", this act of recovering beer from Steve has to be accomplished with stealth and precision. I have found that if you offer him a free cheap beer, it throws his concentration off for a split second while you are handing him the can. You then have about a nano-second to pounce and recover. Gee whiz, I sure wish he was around to respond with his initialized drivel. I miss his attempts to redeem some sort of a decent reputation.
It takes three

Hey Kim, et al,

It is amazing how nimble Steve can be when he wants to be. Especally with those jaundis eyes and cirrhotic liver distending his belly like it does:egrin:. Stealth and precision to be sure not to mention gile and deceit:rolleyes:. Woe be on to him that stands between Steve and his libation, cheap as it might be.

I remember one time I Super Glued a can of "Billy Beer" to the floor :devil:...snicker, snicker!!! You should have seen him running down the hall way babbling, stumbling over his extra long pant cuffs of his beer stained WMFWG, and then going @$$ over tea kettle to make a big pile of red oil skins :cheers:...shudda[sic] been there.

Enough for now, talk later,


P.S. He sure is going to be P.O.ed when he gets back :egrin:
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Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member
This fits my observations of friends and their behavior. If there are three guy
standing around talking.
1: each believes the other has more money than they do
(Some exemptions for this one)
2: if one walks away the other two will start talking about him.
(They might talk about his wife)

Given the above, disregard any rumor that I will be out of country week
after next and remember I don’t have a wife or any money.


When did you say you weren't going to be away? And how long were you not going to be gone? Kim and I were just wondering :egrin: Oh ya, just in case something happens to you when you're not gone, it might be a good idea to give Kim and I the names and addresses of your closest friends:D. You know... just in case we need to get in touch with them:0305_bigg for what ever reason :egrin:. Rest assured that Kim and I will be watching your back when you're not gone:cheers:.

Fair winds,


Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member
Chad and Kim

I wouldn’t be setting sail 12-7 or returning to port 12-14 nor would I be going to Grand Cayman, Cozumel, Belize or Isla Roatan. I have the contacts covered. I will drink a few for you two and if I can find a real cheep beer I will drink that for Steve.

It’s just a Carnival cruise out of Tampa with my girlfriend / new crew member on Rumkin. Wish we were setting out on Rumkin for a few weeks instead but the food wouldn’t be as good I am sure.

I also will not be gaining weight


Member III
Still Flying the Pirates Flag....


Even though you grounded her you are still flyin the Pirate Flag.....Ausome..

That is the way to sail....smiling and flying the Skull and Bones....


We rented a sailboat in Grand Caymen for the day when we were on our cruise this summer. Was about $350.00 and was worth every dollar. Sailing a 40 plus sailboat to two different dive sites. It was truely ausome.
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Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member

My colors don’t change with the depth of the water or the proximity of someone’s front yard in this case.

High winds and my girlfriend a little tentative at the helm and the delay of command and response led to two failed tacks and it was over when we fell off the wind and sails made the rudder ineffective. I should have taken the wheel the first failed tack. We laughed and had a ball with the rescue and the many rumors about the cause of the incident. Many were XXX rated and others referred to my lack of sanity.

Who did you rent the boat from in GC? Ce Ce and I might consider that.
Was there a rental captain with the boat?
Steve is back

Hey Kim,et al,

Did you know that Stevie is back? OUUUU I bet he's going to get us back but good...don'tcha think:egrin:? Think I'll run an' hide for awhile;), if you know what I mean?

Fair winds,

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Kim Schoedel

Member III

Yep, Stevie is back. Currently not speaking to me. Hmmm...... Wonder why.

You are correct Chad, Steve will get even with us. It may take him awhile but we both know that we have earned anything and everything he throws at us. Oh what fun! All in good spirits of course.

Steve Swann

Member III
Difficulties in Meridian, Idaho

From Kim:
Hey Swannee,
Meridian made the news! Driving to work this morning I heard about the Christmas Decoration vandalism that has been going on down there in your neck of the woods. Yikes! Hope they don't get you. But, who would want to vandalize emty cheap beer cans hanging from strings off your home? Do you have little light bulbs attached to the beer cans?

Dear Kim and all you other beer drinking illiterates,

Yes, the Meridian Idaho Vandals are on the loose. We think they are coming from Moscow (think about it, Boys, it’ll come to you…).

I want you to know that not all cheap beer comes in cans. I have made some very pretty green and brown Christmas lights with bottles of cheap beer. Rolling Rock is very nice... I tried the cans but the light didn’t show through so good. I also found out that I had to drink ALL the beer out of the bottle before hooking up the light otherwise I got these cute little sparky things. The cans were really hard to hang on to. In fact, I would have to say that they were “shockingly” worse than the bottles.

Having an aluminum sailboat and speaking of aluminum cans, I have found a better use, by the way! At every thru-hull, I have been able to save a LOT of money on wooden plugs. I sold them for beer money and I now have tied an empty beer can at each thru-hull in case of a failure! I have been told that college students “pound down beer cans” all the time, so why can't I? Now I AM READY for any emergency! And, I have lots more beer cans floating in the bilges than wooden plugs!

It is snowing in Boise now and I am already thinking about heading back down to the boat for another beer-binge. A friend of mine said to stop by and we would sink a pint. I wonder if he thinks we’ll shoot it or just throw rocks at it until it sinks. Besides the littering, it seems like a real waste to me.

Anyway, all of you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I am going to do some snowmobiling and continue to dream about warm places and cold beer come February! Eat yer hearts out you land lubbers! :nerd:

Steve Swann