Olson 34 called "Valhalla II" in San Pedro?


Junior Member
Hey folks

Is anyone familiar with an Olson 34 called Valhalla II in San Pedro? She's been listed for sale for several months, but I've been having a brutal time getting any coherent information from the broker.

We've been hunting for a replacement for our Laser 28 and I really like the O34, but I'm wondering if I'm wasting my time with this particular boat. I'm not in LA, but I have a friend (finally) going to look at her later today.




Live free or die hard
Hey folks

Is anyone familiar with an Olson 34 called Valhalla II in San Pedro? She's been listed for sale for several months, but I've been having a brutal time getting any coherent information from the broker.

We've been hunting for a replacement for our Laser 28 and I really like the O34, but I'm wondering if I'm wasting my time with this particular boat. I'm not in LA, but I have a friend (finally) going to look at her later today.


Yes, my cousin was interested in it. He went to go see her but it needs a lot of work and the motor appears to be bad so he passed it. I believe the owner won’t budge from 28K.

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
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Blogs Author
Says it has a Universal M25 version, they're reliable enough unless totaled. Hard to imagine a broker that can't get information from the seller, I'd call and express knowledgeable interest to the brokerage owner, just to get past the firewall of salesmen, who often consider telephone inquiries somebody else's problem. (only if you show up in person in expensive shoes with the wife along do they smell a commission.)


Junior Member
Hey Christian

Um - yeah - that's what I actually wound up doing ... The brokerage owner is trying to be helpful, but this poor thing appears to have been orphaned. I asked a couple of times, and they can't or won't offer any paperwork for it (i.e. previous maintenance records, an equipment inventory, or even an estimate from a mechanic to fix the engine.)

A knowledgeable friend looked at her for me, and I spoke with another guy who looked at it (thanks for the call if you're reading), and we all agreed that a) she needs someone loving and skilled (like Loren) to bring her back to life and b) is far too much money in her current state.


Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I see that the YW ad is still up.
It occurs to me that it might be worth mentioning that most used boats that have sat for a while will look amazingly better after a week of concentrated scrubbing -- from deck to bilges to engine. There just are never very many on the market that are genuinely "turn key" at any time. Unfortunate, but it is what it is. :(
Regarding the normally- very reliable Universal diesel, they are known as a tough diesel. If interested enough to put down some money, I would get an engine survey for sure. (When we bought our boat the engine survey found some repairable problems that quickly saved us the cost of the survey and more...)
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New Member
I have a contract on Valhalla II. Long time EY.o lurker and dreamer. Loren's enthusiasm, as well as the rest of you have been a big motivator. Sea trial Saturday. Trying to get my hands on the recent survey. If any of you are the prospective buyer that didn't close, I will pay you for the survey, (rather than paying the surveyor). And I may be open to a partnership since my family has many activities so boating is only part time for me. The situation with the M25 is unclear, other than that it has 8000 hours and some blow by. If any of you are interested in joining in a sea trial in San Pedro on Saturday (1PM) let me know. I have a 21 day inspection period. If there is anything I should look for that are particular deal breakers with this boat, please let me know. I'm sure I will have many questions for Loren and the rest once I get my hands on the survey.
Valhalla is no princess but she could be a nice upgrade from my 78 Peterson 34 which is solid but not in the best cosmetic condition and has its IOR issues.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I have a contract on Valhalla II. Long time EY.o lurker and dreamer.
Cool! You will (hopefully) like the aft head layout, and big bunks for sleeping.
Hope this works out well for you. We spent a lot of time cleaning up our boat after getting it home, and that's about par for many boats that sat for a while before being formally offered for sale.
Feel free to start up a new thread with your questions and "before" photos.


Member II
I have a contract on Valhalla II. Long time EY.o lurker and dreamer.
Looks nice. We bought our O34 here in Portland a few months ago and had both a marine and engine survey done. Both were totally worth the cost as well as the education (as pointed out by Christian Williams in earlier threads).

Please do ask Loren and others lots of questions about the boat as I will be lurking in the background to learn more about our O34 and will likely have many more questions of my own. This is a GREAT forum with wonderful people who were quite helpful to us when we were searching for our Ericson.

Best of luck and if you are ever in Portland, look us up as we have 4 O34s in our yacht club and Loren's mint condition O34 is just down the street.

Prairie Schooner

Jeff & Donna, E35-3 purchased 7/21
I have a contract on Valhalla II. Long time EY.o lurker and dreamer. Loren's enthusiasm, as well as the rest of you have been a big motivator. Sea trial Saturday. Trying to get my hands on the recent survey. If any of you are the prospective buyer that didn't close, I will pay you for the survey, (rather than paying the surveyor). And I may be open to a partnership since my family has many activities so boating is only part time for me. The situation with the M25 is unclear, other than that it has 8000 hours and some blow by. If any of you are interested in joining in a sea trial in San Pedro on Saturday (1PM) let me know. I have a 21 day inspection period. If there is anything I should look for that are particular deal breakers with this boat, please let me know. I'm sure I will have many questions for Loren and the rest once I get my hands on the survey.
Valhalla is no princess but she could be a nice upgrade from my 78 Peterson 34 which is solid but not in the best cosmetic condition and has its IOR issues.

I learned to sail on a 1978 Peterson 34!! As an (older) adult, out here in Rhode Island. They are indeed squirrely downwind and a little spartan down below, even more with this one as the skipper didn't do much with it unless it made the boat go faster. But I have so many fond memories of crewing on that boat from 2005-2015. I did years of beer can races 2x a week, longer local races, and two Annapolis > Newport races on her. What fun we had! There weren't that many of them built, as I recall. The skipper was really good and we had our share of time on the podium racing against much newer boats.

Thunder 2010 c.jpg .

Forgive me for waxing nostalgic. - I hope all goes well with the purchase of you new ride. Good luck!

Pete the Cat

Sustaining Member
I have a contract on Valhalla II. Long time EY.o lurker and dreamer. Loren's enthusiasm, as well as the rest of you have been a big motivator. Sea trial Saturday. Trying to get my hands on the recent survey. If any of you are the prospective buyer that didn't close, I will pay you for the survey, (rather than paying the surveyor). And I may be open to a partnership since my family has many activities so boating is only part time for me. The situation with the M25 is unclear, other than that it has 8000 hours and some blow by. If any of you are interested in joining in a sea trial in San Pedro on Saturday (1PM) let me know. I have a 21 day inspection period. If there is anything I should look for that are particular deal breakers with this boat, please let me know. I'm sure I will have many questions for Loren and the rest once I get my hands on the survey.
Valhalla is no princess but she could be a nice upgrade from my 78 Peterson 34 which is solid but not in the best cosmetic condition and has its IOR issues.
Well, 8000 is a lot of hours, but my experience with many deliveries with engines of lesser hours is that hours don't matter much with diesel reliability, but regular maintenance does. In fact high hours usually means someone took the thing trans Pacific and punked out on sailing so the high hour boats usually were more reliably maintained if they got to that humber. Getting a diesel rebuilt has the trick to find a person with enough experience, but I think they are still around here and there. I have rebuilt diesels, but with that many hours I would recommend a very old, very experienced person with a machinist background. I am only old.


Live free or die hard
At 8000 hours and blow by, one can practically count on needing at least the top end redone (the bottom end, probably 8000 more). Diesel engines are not magic. Their cylinder bores and piston rings wear out just like any other engine.
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Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
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Blogs Author
8000 engine hours is 200 hours every single year for 40 years. At 5 knots that's 40,000 miles, which is around the world and a half, like Moitessier.

I guess it's possible, I just don't see how. And that would be a very long-lived hour meter.

I would need some rational explanation as to how an Olson 34 could accumulate that much engine time. Or was the hour meter accidentally connected direct to the battery, such that its clock ran continuously for a couple of months?

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
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Blogs Author
I have no way to know for sure, but based on meeting the former owner for dinner one evening when we visited SF for the spring sailboat show in 2008, I recall him mentioning doing many Ensenada races with his boat. I am unsure of my recall of the stated number, but it may have been over 10, maybe 14.
Which causes me to wonder if this race South would often result in a steady-rpm motoring trip back up the coast from Mexico, most times.(?)
I recall that you have light air in SoCal, and based on how it is up here, the prevailing winds blow North to South. Is that guess reasonable ? That might explain high engine hours, albeit at the kind of steady-state cruising rpm that diesels like.
Or, the hour meter is not accurate...

ps: he also mentioned that the boat commonly hit 14 kts with the chute up. Way Cool!


Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
wonder if this race South would often result in a steady-rpm motoring trip back up the coast from Mexico

yes, sure. But it's ~125nm from Ensenada to Newport Beach, plus 5 or so to duck into San Diego to clear Customs.

Even if they did that every year for 40 years, it's still a very small fraction of 8000 hours.

I've averaged 25-30 hours a year up here, which generally includes at least one 10-hour slog up to or back from the San Juans in non-sailing conditions. I can't imagine what a 200-hour year would entail...

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Even if they did that every year for 40 years, it's still a very small fraction of 8000 hours.
Good reality check. Kind of brings suspicion back to the hour meter. Either it reads high, which IMO is very unusual, or somehow it got wired to the battery positive, 24/7, for a while.


New Member
Thanks all. Very interesting that you met the owner Loren.

Sea trial postponed due to some kind of liability concern with with an exhaust line rubbing on some rotating engine part (I'm told). I spent a good hour or so on the boat yesterday. My overall impression is that the list of to-dos is massive, and that she has suffered a bit of neglect. But still there is potential. (Seeing the pictures of all your beautiful boats is working in the seller's favor, as does the story of 14 knots of boat speed, which is not possible in my Peterson.) But at the same time I have to be realistic about the amount of time, energy and money I can devote given a demanding job and a broad range of family and household maintenance responsibilities.

How much simpler my life would be if I wasn't obsessed with boats.

Below is a poorly organized exposition for those with the stomach for it.

Yeah, I was doing the same math on the engine hours and scratching my head. The meter shows 5500 hours, and I confirmed that it is working properly. (There are some other hour meters on the panel that don't really work that created some confusion.) There are no recorded oil changes or zinc change, or as far as I can tell, ANY written records besides sharpie dates on an alternator and maybe a water pump. Instead, we have an oral history. I was accompanied by the guy who had done the maintenance and he says that he used to change the oil pretty regularly and the zincs. That's all we've got. This guy is a nice guy but pretty limited in his capabilities and understanding. But better than nothing I guess. The owner (now deceased -- boat is being sold by the widow who is out of town) was kind of his buddy from Newport Harbor, and I think the broker was part of this social circle. Apparently owner and the wife used to ride the train down from the bay area to sail and hang out on the boat. And yes, do lots of Newport Ensenada races. There is a basket of N-E patches that dates back to at least 1976 ! Obviously he started on a different boat, when I was a wee lad and Ford was president. But that was years ago, this boat was moved to Long beach then San Pedro for reasons that aren't clear, and as happens, the owners was in decline for a few years.

Here are a few of my amateur notes and thoughts, mainly for my own sake. I still haven't paid for the survey which exists and I can get for a discount. I guess it's time to get serious.

Overall cosmetic condition: Its not horrible for its age. But it's not like what the pictures on YW might suggest. There are scratches and dings, especially around the transom and in the cockpit. They don't have nice stainless dock line chocks like I'm used to, so the gelcoat has rubbed off near the stern cleats. But all in all it's a cosmetic upgrade from my Peterson. Sole and headliner are good. Headliner in fact is nearly perfect, which is a problem because there needs to be some new clutches put up on the deck I think. Sole was rebuilt some years ago by the maintenance guy and it looks pretty good Most interior wood is not bad, and could be refinished, with the exception of a couple places which need minor repairs. Ports and hatches could use replacement lenses and gaskets but seem serviceable. I appreciate the fresh air that my old boat doesn't have. Only major evidence of a sustained leak is by the aft cabin bulkhead, though I also see the many of the screws holding in the teak trim pieces around the cabin top / side corners are corroded -- not gonna be fun getting them off. There is a sense of dampness in the aft cabin in general, so that be something that needs to checked out. The whole boat has that kind of carpet on the hull walls that Loren took out with great effort. It's not real pretty. But, it's not coming off any where, and I wonder if a steam cleaning with my little portable bissell unit could help. Cushions are shot -- both foam and fabric. This boat was used. And they didn't do a great job of cleaning the nav station and other little places. I guess when the broker is operating on the minimum, they don't have much incentive to get serious about cleaning. But that's an easy fix.

Sailing hardware: The sails are completely toast. The jib's UV protectant on the outside of the furled sail was streaming back in tatters from the forestay in the afternoon breeze, and a short unfurl shows a pretty rough condition for the sail itself. Didn't check the main, but I think it is pretty beat as well. 3 spinnakers on board but only 1 looks like it might still be useful. Running rigging all needs to be replaced -- it looked like are running two different sizes of jib sheets port and starboard, perhaps evidence of trying to pseudo-rig for to help make the sale. There are only 5 clutches on board, 3 port, 2 starboard, but 2 or 3 of those need new handles so are not serviceable. They're not the highest end, and my preference would be to mount new ones, if I can figure out how to do that without destroying the headliner. Seems like one would want at least 8 (4 halyards, vang, outhall, 1st & 2nd reef). I didn't check the rigging in the boom. Some of the little cam cleats on the side of the cabin top are toast -- again how to get access to the deck underneath these? Hydraulic backstay adjuster doesn't work right, but can create tension with enough pumping -- so might just need fluid. Masthead windex is torqued about 90 degrees (how does that happen?). But the good news is that I'm told the standing rigging was replaced a few years ago, as the boat was leaving Newport to come north. But again no records of this. It does look pretty fresh, but didn't seem quite as beefy as what is on my Peterson. I better check the gauge I guess. The stainless plate at the base of the mast looks good, and all of the old schaefer blocks spin (an aspect I had to cope with on my boat.) The 4 winches all seem to turn and click pretty well. I'm sensitive to this after having serviced about 6 of the 10 winches on my old boat !

Engine / shaft / prop: I am still trying to learn about this. The broker was talking about how easy it would be to re-power, based on some kind of diagnosis. That may be premature. There is some blow by, and I think they didn't have the crank case vent connected back a year ago when it was smoking in the cabin. But this time it seem so bad. The old Universal may have some life left. It seems to want a good dose of glow plug (60 seconds -- does this sound right? My old Yanmar in the 78 Peterson fires up every time almost instantly even after sitting for a month, so I am not used to glow plugs.) But once running, it seems OK. (I should have been outside looking for smoke, but instead I was inside) The transmission has a bit of trouble shifting into reverse, and I think there needs to be some alignment adjustments, but I not convinced a repower is critical yet. I'm told the folding prop needs service. I'm a fan of a folding prop but I don't know much about the modern models. Not sure if it is an old Martec or something else, but I was told it could be serviced somehow.

Electrical: They have put in new batteries repeatedly I think because of a bad battery charger that had overcharged somehow. An example of how $200 and an hour's could have saved much more money. Once they figured out that the batter charger was the problem, they actually had the guy coming to turn on the charger for an hour, or run the engine every ~week to charge the batteries, even though it's plugged into shore power. (!). The charger looks like something from the 60s -- large aluminum box with a rotary dial up under the laz forward -- maybe that was stock? I wished I'd taken a picture. He said that he came back a couple times after being away and it was pegged at full current ! So maybe it's not inconceivable that something wasn't connected right and the hour meter got some juice at some point? Instruments seems like they may be original -- round Datamarine units that turn on but don't seem to work properly. There is an ST4000 autopilot that might work, but you can't see the screen. There is a GPS mounted to the binnacle, which I'm told was used to good effect.

Plumbing: Head seems to pump OK. There are some odors in the head -- I'll probably need to replace hoses. I don't know if the overboard discharge works, or the condition of the tank. The Y valve at least seemed to turn. Water heater is toast, and the lines have been disconnected from the engine. But they still run water through the hot water circuit, which has a leak somewhere, so the pressure water can't be left on, or else it will fill the bilge. I figure I will be able to at least find and eliminate the leak in short order, but replacing the water heater will take some straining and groaning. That can wait I guess. One thing that seems crazy to me is that the starboard settee water tank doesn't seem have a fill port on the deck. They take a hose down into the boat to fill the tank. I guess that must have been standard.

In short, it could be a nice blank canvas. I will say that it was nice to come back to my boat afterward, with its new sheets and halyards, clean canvas, and the confidence that certain things at least are working properly. But it can only take me so far.

Much to think about in the coming couple week, one of which I will be on vacation with the family. Sea trial might be a week from this Sunday.

Thanks for reading.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Thoughtful writeup, without unneeded drama. Much to think about indeed.
Like any boat (or plane or house) that sat for years, closed up. projects do multiply. We knew we were buying a fixer upper when we acquired ours, it having sat in the moist salty air of the Alameda Estuary for three years closed up tight, after being beat up well in a big sailing club in SF for three years. But all that "knowing" loses some luster when one is dealing with mold-filled cushions and fabric hull ceilings that smell of mold and mildew, with stains to match. We did have a few "what have we done?" days...... :(
Remember about the "elephant" tho -- you only have to eat it "one bite at a time."
If the rig is sound and the diesel runs OK, and it has basic sails that function up to maybe 15 knots.... go sailing often.

Cherry-Picking your list a bit: Water tanks are meant to be filled from inside the boat. Bring the hose in with a little 'gardening' ball valve on the end. Works very very well. And no deck fill with rotting O-ring to sweat over and no fill hose to replace. We wondered at that scheme initially, and then immediately liked it.
Charger: EY was installing a ferro-resonant type charger in that era. Notorious for boiling batteries dry. I replaced it with amore modern multistage solid state charger. first thing. Changed the install location too, to starboard side. Details if wanted and photos.
Datamarine: yup. Faded faces and mostly worked... replaced with Raymarine ST-60 set, about 1995. Still working like new.
AP: We started out with an Autohelm system and thru two upgrades are now at a Raymarine system. Still a wheel drive, and as Christian had pointed out these are sufficient but not really for blue water if you head for Hawaii. We like ours, but do not make too many demands on it. Vital "crew" however. We named him "Otto Von Helm" because he takes orders and carries them out stubbornly without comment.... so you have to keep an eye on him all the time!
Universal Diesel: I was having to glow plug ours about 15 seconds on a cool morning, first start up. 20 to 25 when it was 30-ish out. We had about 2300 hours on it. Worked fine, and I had learned to deal with its maintenance details. It was burning about a quart of oil during the last couple of seasons and was leaking out of a rear seal. The much-maligned Hurth transmission worked flawlessly but I was planning on replacing it anyway, as their rebuild ability seemed questionable. If you read my blog entries here about our Betamarine25 install, note that I could have pulled the old drive train out and rebuilt the engine, changed out the torque plate, and replaced the transmission. Figuring on a note pad, the total for that would have surpassed half or 3/4 the price for the new Betamarine. But I am not a competent engine rebuilder. I am strictly a parts-changer. :(
You have noticed that you would need access to the underside of the cabin top. Not too difficult. Remove the teak battens, and then using pliers and other little tools, pull out staples until you can gently lower part of the vinyl headliner. Be sure to epoxy-fill all holes before installing new hardware. I have a blog entry about installing new winches and clutches. Marvelous Upgrade !! imho.

Not mentioned specifically, but do a deep cleaning under the settees, the engine, and under the sole. Replace all the head hoses. This will restore much joy to the whole experience. This will be true, IMHO, for any boat of most any age over about 15 years old. I have crewed on a lot of deliveries and really come to dislike entering the cabin and being assaulted by "head, diesel, and bilge" odors. Make of boat unimportant. So Many.... owners do not replace old hoses and keep the place cleaned up. I value all of my experiences, but the downside was spending time inside trying to sleep on smelly cushions and use the head compartment at 3 am..... sometimes almost holding my nose. Sorry 'bout that -- rant over.

Hull fabric. Oh My---- if I had realized how difficult it would be to replace it down the road, I would have gone over it ten times more than the twice or three times I did clean it with a rental carpet cleaner unit. That fabric will endure 'til the end of time, if only you keep it clean. it's really durable material. The adhesive behind it is "NASA Grade" also! :)

Anyhow keep the questions coming and do lots of searches on this site starting with Olson 34 and adding words.

The thru-bolted hull/deck joint alone raises it above most lesser boats with glued or riveted "shoe box" joints. And, having all the interior pieces tabbed to the hull and deck is really a solid way to build out a rigid boat. It compares very favorably against the EY system of glassing their hull and deck together on the inside with roving. When it comes to "good bones" these are sturdy 'bones' indeed.