So I had very light scratches across the entire surface, plus a few heavier scratches. The Buff Magic compound worked well for the light scratches, but seemed to make the heavier ones more noticeable, so I decided to get more aggressive. Wet sanding with 1000 grit wet-or-dry paper, worked pretty well for eliminating or minimizing the deeper defects. Following that with 1500 grit wet to remove swirl marks from the first step left a uniform haze on the plastic. Next, I used a rubbing compound from an auto parts department, applied with my MaxShine M8SV2 buffer at the minimum speed setting. And finally, I brought the finish to like-new with the Shurhold Buff Magic. Not counting the testing to figure out the right procedure, the whole effort took maybe 90 minutes, and the hatch looks great.
I bought the buffer (MaxShine M8SV2) last fall based on a recommendation from another boater, and I recommend it for anyone who needs a buffer. It has replaced a buffer I bought previously which was too heavy and too much to handle with its 7" wheel. This one is very comfortable and efficient.