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Racing Practice with 12-year-olds


Curator of Broken Parts
Blogs Author
It's amazing. The local community sailing program is running two or three sessions every day for ages 5 - 16 and both local High Schools have teams. I heard they got a grant to pay for a full time sailing coach. This was totally unimaginable when I was a kid.
I'm sure that many of these kids could sail circles around me

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I'm sure that many of these kids could sail circles around me
Oh Yeah. You got that right. My first racing experience was as (supposedly) an adult, in 1976, in a Ranger 20. We did have 25 on a starting line often tho, in those days.
The balance and agility of these kids is near amazing to watch.

Mike Brockman

Ericson 41
My Son and Daughter raced in the youth PNW youth circuit 17 years ago in Opti's. As a parent it was great time and great memories.
We would get out on the keel boat for Tuesday night races and get one race and start in, they would get out for a practice coach night and get a dozen starts in. Amazing sailors at young age. I probably learned more from them then I did from my own experiences.