Removng paint the easy way.
Don, Years ago I saw a woman strip her Catalina 30 mast that had just been taken off the boat and was on a pair of slings in the do it yourself part of the boat yard. She applied stripper followed by Saran Wrap that she wound around the mast, covering the stripper as she went. She'd apply it by brush at about 10 foot incraments and then wrap it, 10 feet more, wrap, etc. Within an hour she'd done the entire mast and went home. Apparently stripper has no effect on that wrap. She returned the next morning and as she unwound the wrap, the paint, stripper and all virtually fell off. Of course there were spots that had to be gone at but I'd have to say that 99.98% of the paint came off the first go-around. Good luck and all I can say is, better you than me. ; - ) Glyn Judson, E31 hull #55, Marina del Rey, CA