Read you 5 X 5.
Take two asprin.. count to ten... breath deeply...
FWIW --- Boats, houses, cars, whatever... we'all had these moments with 'em. (Moments, heck, Months!!)
Too bad you guys are so far away over on the right coast... if you were nearer to us we would take the two of you out on our boat for a sail.

Portland, OR
Olson 34 Fresh Air
Read you 5 X 5.
Take two asprin.. count to ten... breath deeply...
FWIW --- Boats, houses, cars, whatever... we'all had these moments with 'em. (Moments, heck, Months!!)
Too bad you guys are so far away over on the right coast... if you were nearer to us we would take the two of you out on our boat for a sail.
Portland, OR
Olson 34 Fresh Air