Harken & Pro Furl both make sturdy units that can be used strictly as roller furlers or easily converted to a racing foil (remove the drum). The foil shape (oval as opposed to round) allows cleaner air flow over the head sail which helps pointing as well as speed. You ask why a cruiser might need to point a little higher? Picture yourself trying to sail off a lee shore in heavy weather. Every little bit helps. Besides, you bought a sail boat, not a power boat. Right? Why hamper your sailing performance?
Hood & Schaefer both make good units, also. My only complaint is the shape of the foil.
I have a Harken furler on my 1988 E34. It's still working fine after 15 years of service. All that's required is annual lubing of the bearings w/McLube after you flush them with clean water. Plus, Harken has been very helpful with answering questions and providing parts.
I'm sure other's will have different opinion's, this is my $.02 worth.
Have fun & sail fast.
Bud E34 "Escapade"