Innocent Bystander
I hate to be critical guys but if were reefing only once a season or a few times in multiple years than you are either sailing, heeled well to far over, or on "your ear"(slow!) and overpowered (slow) lost significant pointing ability (slow) (ton of weather helm (slow), not sailing much, or only going out on idealic days with incredibly stable and predictable weather. Discouraging a second reef or considering it as optional to me is like not wearing a seatbelt, or throwing my fire extinguishers overboard because I'm surrounded by water.
Capt. Ian
Oh please. None of the above, except possibly "slow," but these are sailboats we're talking about. By all means put the second set of reef points in if you like. In 26 years of sailing my boat, often with inexperienced crew or other individuals who are not looking for a rigging adventure if the wind pipes up, putting in a second reef is impractical. If there's enough wind to indicate a second reef, the main is simply going to be taken down and the roller furling genoa will be adjusted to suit. My boat sails quite decently under genoa alone and quite poorly under main alone. Perhaps there would be a different perspective were this situation the reverse, as I think it is with J-24s and the like which seem to do pretty well with jibs dropped on deck.