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Sailnet site problem

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
This am I tried to log onto Sailnet. My password was not recognized, even after using 'cut n paste' to place it in its box. (so I know it was done accurately)
This happened late yesterday, too.
No problem before for a long time, although their site software did force me to change the pass word in June of this year.

Anyone know it that site is having problems?


Mark F

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
Hi Loren,
I gave up trying to log on. Multiple step unsuccessful sign-in.


Curator of Broken Parts
Blogs Author
I forgot I even had a sailnet account. I got a long email this morning from "verticalscope," which apparently is the host for sailnet and a couple of other sites that I sometimes browse. They have been hacked. Lists of user data have been found for sale on the Internet. Consequently, they say they have cancelled all user login credentials. You are supposed to choose a new, stronger password for those sites.

And if you *ahem* use the same user name and password for all these sorts of sites, it might be time to rethink that. :esad:

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Last week there were several stories on passwords, suggesting that the solution (at the moment) is length, rather than simple randomness (&112b%$).

It is said that a phrase such as "Theboatalwayswantstohead up", is very difficult for a computer to guess--length being the hacker's problem.

Not so for mydoghasfleas.

In constructing a password, it was suggested to google the phrase. The fewer hits the better.

mydoghasfleas gets 50,000 hits

theboatalwayswantstoheadup gets 0 results.


Curator of Broken Parts
Blogs Author
When I wurked for the gummint, the security goons always told us to grab three random pieces of paper from the trash (e.g. junk mail). Read off a short word from one of them, a number from the next, then another word. E.g. bait702partition Somewhat easy to remember for its 90-day maximum lifespan. Unless you have 200 other passwords that change every week :rolleyes:.

The Apple Mac OS is happy to suggest a gazillion-digit nonsensical password for you, every time such a field comes up. Then it promises to keep track of it for you. :rolleyes: The only time I tried it, the computer immediately deleted the new password, so that neither it or I knew what it was. It took quite a bit of effort and calls to customer service to get access to that account again. :mad:

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Oooooo Kayyyyyyyyy......
I tried their password change scheme one more time and it worked.
I just went thru this process two months ago.

And then there's the extra-added aggravation of their new bot-posting-prevention dialog box that forces us to watch a commercial for a certain insurance co.

I mean, Really now!



Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
...site...I have used in the past to figure out a strong and remember-able password.

For the paranoid among us, that kind of site shouts "phishing"... as in, "hey, lets see how many people we can get to give us their passwords...."


Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
And as for ads, I have used Ad Block Plus for years, and never see an ad anywhere on line.

It is a really remarkable free ap, generally thought to have no security concerns.