Simrad WP32 Any Good???


Member III
I may be able to purchase a Simrad autopilot. The WP32 is no longer being made and the unit is new old stock. Anyone have experience that can help me decide if this is a good risk? Anyone know if parts are available for these things? Are these units reliable?

I like the idea of installing a self contained unit on my E 32-200. I sail in the great lakes.

Thanks, Paul

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
It looks like Simrad has been buying up other companies, like Robertson and Navico. Whether to recycle technology, augment their own R&D, or just to eliminate competition, it is hard to say....
Here is their web page for "legacy" items.

Back in the day, I owned a Navico 1600 and later a 2500 series tiller pilot and they were as good as could be found, at the time.


Dan Callen

Contributing Member III
Simrad WP 30

I have the WP 30, which is the larger of the two models, installed on my Ericson 32-3 and have been very happy with it's performance. It is easy to install, just be sure to get it exactly centered on the wheel per the instructions. I have had mine for about 8 years and have had no problems. I understand that parts and service will be available for five years. I am on a fresh water lake and river system and use it mostly for motoring. If it was the WP 30 model I would tell you to grab it. Good luck. Dan Callen Ericson32-3 Andiamo