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Stay away from


Sustaining Member
I've had such a horrible time dealing with OnlineMarine that I feel compelled to warn others here not to use them.

I ordered a TP10 tiller pilot and PRE120 extension bar a month ago, with OVERNIGHT shipping and it arrived in TWO days, and they didn't include the extension bar. They never let me know that the extension was backordered. I was off sailing immediately after it arrived, so I didn't call them until a week later. When I did call, they said it was backorded (I hadn't heard from them by email, phone, or any message on the invoice in the first package that the part was backordered, or whether it was on the way). The person on the phone was very surly about the issue, and insisted that there was nothing unusual about the way they were handling this order. Apparently they never inform customers that half their order isn't shipping out, and will be shipped at extra charge with no notice!

Then they said they'd ship out the backordered part that day, and charge me extra shipping for it! I insisted that I was paying exactly what I agreed to pay originally. They said, ok, there probably won't be shipping charges added. Now it's been another 3 weeks, and I still haven't gotten the extension bar, but I've been charged for it. I've left messages on their voicemail, and tried calling them half a dozen times. Can't get a human on the phone even during their open hours, and they've never returned my calls. I'm starting to think that I'll just have to cancel the CC charge, and order somewhere else (where I'll certainly have to pay for shipping :().

I can't believe there's a big company like this still doing business with anyone.

I'm not sure how this will end, but if anyone lives near Oriental, NC, I'll pay for your gas and the bag of flaming dog poo, if you'll drive it over and fling it on their doorstep.

Thanks, Nate
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Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
That's funny, I had a great experience with them a couple years ago when I ordered a Simrad TP22. Got a great price and lots of helpful advice over the phone. The Tiller Pilot was shipped with the extensions at the same time, they also gave me the remote with a 20' cable for free. I have also ordered other accessories for my GPS with no problem. I have been raving to my boat buddies about their great prices ever since.

Things must have changed there in Oriental, NC. Sorry to hear about the bad service you are getting now. Good luck with that.

Graham Cole

The Zoomer
Might want to try supporting your local (small) marine chandlery if you have one. I will spend more to get service from someone I can stand in front of. Build a relationship, support the local pro. and I bet it will be very rewarding.


Sustaining Member
I'm with you 100% Graham, and this experience isn't doing anything to change my determination to shopping at my local store (Hamilton Marine) for everything I can.

Unfortunately all my local sources only carried the Raymarine pilots, and I really prefered the Simrad, so I had to go online for that.

JMCronan, I appreciate your help. I'll pay for your fuel and the paper bag. Do you have a big dog, by any chance? :p

C. Trembanis

Member III
Mauri Pro Sailing

Purchaced a Simrad TP32 from Mauri Pro Sailing. Great service, answered questions, and if they couldn't did the research and got back with the correct answer. Try them.

C. Trembanis

Member III
Local Marine Store, best option??

Tried that! The jerk wanted $10.00 to tell me how to connect my Garmin GPS to a Simrad Tiller pilor. This store is a dealer for both Garmin & Simrad.
Reason for the $10.00. I didn't buy the tiller pilot from them. Tacoma store. So much with dealing face to face.


Sustaining Partner
That jerk probably also does installations for a fee whereas you came along and wanted their professional advice for free. Did you buy either of the units from them?

Graham Cole

The Zoomer
Wow! Wanting compensation for professional services? Stunning concept! We have a 1 hour minimum charge for those who aren't regular clients or someone personally introduced by one. Kinda helps weed out the jerks...
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I'd say the merchant missed the boat on this completely. Over 10 bucks, he eliminated a potential customer, and there is a good chance this potential customer will convey this to other local boaters and other potential customers (after all, we're talking about it). I work in a field where professional services are key, and I can't tell you the number of times we (companies I've worked with) have done initial technical meetings answering questions, showing things etc. at a total cost to us. The reason is that more than not that person remembers you took the time to talk to them when they weren't a customer, and then return and become a customer. A little up front can provide big rewards down the road, and if it was only 10 bucks, then it would indicate the time/effort from the vendor was minimal or 10 bucks wouldn't cover it. The merchant has obviously forgotten these things break, have upgraded replacements etc. But hey, I would rather find out the merchant doesn't understand service before I got down the road with a big purchase. :cool:


Member III
I'll wade into the debate wielding nothing but my wits and experience - in other words, I'm unarmed.
I can see both points of view here, but when what you do is sell your time, time is money and should be expected to cost.
When you are in the business of selling goods, after sales service is key to customer retention and has been pointed out, may also affect future sales/potential customers. I work it this way. I try and buy from the local shops and I make sure they know that I do this specifically because I want to know that should I require some assistance, they will be there for me after the sale. I expect to pay a little more in these circumstances. I do NOT, however, expect them to give me the "little extras" if I buy the item(s) somewhere else (Ebay, Craigslist, etc.). I would expect to be charged for these services. If I hired Graham to supply and install a new radar system, I certainly wouldn't expect him to troubleshoot my self-installed Chart Plotter problem for free! I would expect him to help me overcome any issues pertaining the radar however. I think that fair is fair.


Hi Mike,

I think you've got a good perspective there. It's difficult to really make an accurate call here not knowing how much effort/time would have been required to answer the question. It hit me for 10 bucks, that the guy is dealing with an issue like "be sure you've got these two wires to ground and then connect these other two wires between the two units and they'll talk to each other". If that was the scope of it, then charging for the 5 minute consultation seems a bit rough to me. If, on the other hand, we're talking about getting into the 30 minute detailed description with color photos, circles and arrows and a paragraph of description on the back of each one (wait a minute, am I standing in Alice's Restaurant?), I would understand the charge. Perhaps the thing that really is missing here is that the shop keeper should have politely explained that this wasn't a quick connect A to B and you're done, but in depth, and hence a need to recoup some costs. A really really savvy vendor would perhaps throw in a tickler like, "and that 10 bucks can be applied to an electronics purchase in my store"

Well, I'm probably guilty of flogging this poor horse enough, and I don't think there is any "right" answer except I do understand the frustration ;)

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Put It in the Links

Hey Nate -

You should put a listing for them in the new links section, and then put a review in there (you can just paste the comments above). The new links section has 'preferred' ericson vendors in them in green (for good) and yellow (for untested) - we could easily create a red version for problem vendors.... :devil:



Sustaining Member
I just had a great tech. experience with Mauri Pro. Chatted with a rep about vang and vang hardware, and he answered a lot of questions. That won my business quite easily.

They're definitely on my good-list! :)
