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    The 2024-2025 Fund Raising Season has Opened!

    EricsonYachts.org has opened the season for raising funds to support the expenses of the site. If you would like to participate, please see the link below for additional information.

    Thanks so much for your continued support of EricsonYachts.org!

    2024-2025 Fund Raising Info

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    Join us on January 24th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o January Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    January Meeting Info

    (dismiss this notice by hitting 'X', upper right)

Summer Bay Area Ericson Gathering?


Member III
AWOL - my apologies

I'm sorry I missed it as well as I was to do some vessel safety checks, but had a consulting session the Saturdy of the gthering with a client on purchasing a 500,000 Euro vessel in Europe. Hard choice......make some good money or have some good fun. Unfortunately, the necessity to pay bills took precidence.

I apologize, but this popped up just a few days prior to the rendevouz and I am keen on moving up the surveying ladder so to speak. So far, it seems to be working with referals and producing a quality product.

Anyway, if anyone would still like a USCG Vessel Safety Check (VSC) I am willing to travel (with in reason - I'm in South San Fran) to go over your Ericson, award a VSC decal if passed, and have a chat as well.

e-mail me off line if interested in a VSC:


John Moses