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Taking an E-38 to the Carribean


New Member
Has anyone taken an E-38 to the Bahamas or through the Florida Keys? With the 6'6" draft, we are worried about being unable to get into harbor entrances in these areas.

Lew Decker

Member III
deep draft

Hi - I just noticed your posting - You will have no trouble in the Bahamas or the Keys with a 6'6" draft - All of the harbors are deep enough - However, you will run aground from time to time - It depends on how adventurous you get judging the depth of the water by color - I ran my boat aground on purpose (5' draft) just to see the water color and how thin it got before we nudged to a stop - Be aware, though, that the tide is nearly nonexistent so if you get stuck, high tide is not much help - I was a delivery captain for a while and worked for a company that delivered boats worldwide - We were told never to cross the Bahama banks under any circumstances - All of the skippers, including myself, ignored the order and happily skimmed across miles of water in the Bahamas so thin it glowed neon in the moonlight - You need to get down there and see it for yourself------Lew in San Diego