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What for you do that? - (Our new boat)


Member II
“What for you do that?” was a saying my mother used whenever I did something that didn’t make sense to her. After going through tough times in the war years, immigrating to Canada and starting a new life here, she liked things simple and had difficulty in spending money on things that weren’t really needed. Were she around today, I’m sure that she would say the same thing about our recent purchase of a 1988 E34.

Leanne & I are expecting our E34 to be delivered this week. It hails from San Diego and was previously named Annie G, Barbara, and Hot Flash. We haven’t yet found a new name that grabs us. I’m sure that after a short while the boat will name itself.

We’ll turn a deaf ear to the names the boat suggests while we are sprucing it up over the next couple of weeks. The boat is in good condition overall. Most of what the boat needs is a good cleaning and polish. What the boat also needs is more use. The boat doesn’t look like it has seen much. We are more than happy to oblige.

Leanne and I would like to thank those of you that create and reply to the posts on the Ericson website. The website has been extremely valuable to us. It helped not only in researching Ericsons but was instrumental in us considering Ericsons in the first place. We have also corresponded with a few members directly and we would like to thank them for their assistance. We will be using the website often and hopefully we will be in the position to contribute to it soon.

As with any such undertaking, I’m sure Leanne and I will have moments when we will say to ourselves “What for we do that?”. I’m also certain that those will be eclipsed by the pleasure we will get out of the boat. The grand adventure begins ….

Best Regards,

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Congrats & Welcome!

Congrats on your new boat - you'll have an excellent time! Since you're up in BC, we hope that we'll get the opportunity to see you in Sidney the weekend of June 18th... See the NW Ericsons forum for all the details... :egrin:

Thanks also for the kind words on the site. Our last five years have seen lots of growth, input and material contributions from many owners - and comments such as yours (that the site was useful in your decision making to choose an Ericson hull over others) is the very reason we're here...


Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I too hope that you enjoy your Ericson.
My boat was probably finished out by the same guys! (...and shares some parts.)
Coquitlam, BC, eh? Could that be near Westwood where I once worked as a volunteer turn marshall at an ICNSCC road race in the late 60's?


Loren in Portland, OR
1988 Olson 34 #8


Member II
You are correct about Westwood being part of Coquitlam. The racetrack is all gone - housing now.
Attached is a picture of our boat - can't wait!!!


  • Our boat.JPG
    Our boat.JPG
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