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When the Blahs turn toward Spring


Member II
This long winter has certainly bested me lately.
I've had a monster project at work that has taken up a lot of my time.
I've taken on a winter construction project here at home, and it never seems to end.
The weather (here north of Chicago) has waivered between really COLD to really snowy. No relief.
Did I mention that I've only seen 3 sunny days all month?

Spring training in AZ is a sure sign that some sort of corner has been turned.
Also, yesterday I received my summer slip assignment at North Point!

If only I can make it through the rest of Feb, March, April:headb:

Capt. Max

Member II
I hear you there, Im over in western NY on Erie. We just got another 16" of
snow this weekend. It feels like it never ends.
Soon It will be time. Good Luck.

Skip Jim

Member II
Here in San Diego it is 81 degrees and clear blue sky. I was concerned yesterday when I looked up and thought I saw a cloud, but then I looked again and it was gone.

Come visit us here during this time of the year. We'll even take you sailing. The winter is almost gone, cheer up.



Member II
If only I could...

After reading your 'rubbing it in' I was so taken by your offer to visit and sail!
Very kind, and keeps me happy thinking of the tight community of proud Ericson lovers around here.

Capt. Max

Member II
Skip that must be so hard to deal with. Thats even worse than when I went outside yesterday to shovel the deep snow and broke my only shovel.

Rob Hessenius

Inactive Member
It's getting closer

At least there is no more snow on top of the boat. I went down this afternoon to the boat. Turned the tunes on and took a pull of the lonely bottle of Whiskey. Waiting to see the first bi-polar Robin this year.

Gary Peterson

Marine Guy
"Keep the Faith", Spring is coming!! Instead of walking to my boat from my car through 6" snow I now walk through 2" of water.
I asked the first Robin in my yard if he was lost and thought he was in Kentucky? Our worms are still frozen - oh well, there is hope.:)

Gary Peterson

Marine Guy
I spoke too soon !!!!!!!!!
It snowed again last night:mad:. Add another 4" to our winter's total. Oh well - at least our water level should be better this year.

Kim Schoedel

Member III
This last Saturday we woke up to yet another 7" of snow. Yuk. Went to the boat Sunday and once again removed snow. I know that Spring is just around the corner but it must be a big corner. Born and raised here I have never seen a winter this long. I did get in a few hours of sailing a couple of weeks ago. Man, did that feel goooood!


Sustaining Member

The SNOW is GONE!:clap:

The river and my slip is now OPEN WATER! :egrin:

The lake is STILL frozen over! :esad:


Sustaining Member
I know what you all mean....it snowed here in the bay area back in '75, they closed school & everything. it was great the first hour then....a real bummer all around. hope the sun comes to visit you all soon! Edd:egrin:

Bob Robertson

Member III
Global Warming

I drove to Bayfield to check on the boat today. Lot's of ice on the lake, but the boat looked really good.

I'm anxious to get to work on the boat and I am really looking forward to summer.

Good thing I drove up today, the north and south shores of Lake Superior are supposed to get 12" of snow starting Thursday night.

Looks like a late spring.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Holes in your Freezers ?

"Boat Drinks" By: Jimmy Buffett (1979)

Boys in the band ordered boat drinks
Visitors scored on the home rink
Everything seems to be wrong

Lately, newspaper mentioned cheap air fare
I gotta to fly to saint somewhere
I'm close to bodily harm

Twenty degrees and the hockey games on
Nobody cares they are way too far gone
Screamin boat drinks, something to keep em all warm

This mornin', I shot six holes in my freezer
I think I got cabin fever
Somebody sound the alarm...

(partial lyrics)
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