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The next couple weekends

Weekend starting June 9th .... First time sleeping aboard and using a coffee maker to make ramen noodles. Seems when every you tell someone that, they just assume you tossed the noodles in the pot instead of just pouring the hot water into a bowl. Just makes it all that much more fun to tell them. I am hoping the blogs do the same as the forum posts, if so, I will now insert pictures inline. It has been many years since I have dabbled in forums etc.. I forget which night this was, but there is a whole cute herd of baby geese. It was so cute watching them walk around one morning, until I almost stepped in one of the parents droppings.


So I have determined, using bungees to keep my halyards from slapping against the mast is better for my neighbors than me. Somehow that makes every, muted exterior slap, inside the boat sound like some 1960's laser gun sound effect. I am sure most here recall their first night of "sleeping" on board. I now feel I know every creak, squeek, groan, moan, and all sorts of other noises the boat makes at night. Stayed up pretty much all night memorizing them.

Saturday June 3rd, PO (Previous owner) wasn't able to make it due to new house paperwork. I'm still eyeballing plans on single handed docking so I can get back to the freedom of just sailing whenever I want to again. Poking holes in my own plans in my head. Practicing best case scenarios to ensure the timing makes sense. More replacing items better stored at home, with items I feel better left aboard. Goal is backpack, food pack, and head to boat. always more projects to go!



With no one available, and not knowing anyone at the marina, that weekend was a bust for sailing ):
I did however get a fun night shot of Cedar Point on my way to investigate the channel markers. I couldn't see the red markers from the boat. Went to a different part of the wharf and spent some time investigating how the channel and markers are at night. Before I know it, the sun will be setting earlier and earlier.


Weekend of the 10th, managed to get out there. The wind however was not as excited. Felt like Charlie brown with the storm cloud, except this was no wind. Wind 10 yards to 50 yards all around, but never at the boat. That did provide a good motor to play with the autopilot and ensure the temps did as expected. While I always harbor a healthy doubt of things fixing themselves, I did reset and clean all connections the previous weekend.



As the weekend closed out, took a fresh boat pic. Leads to a funny anecdote, even though I had sailed this boat last season, I did not know the boats name before I forked over the cash.


Took a fresh selfie for the site with the Ericson in the background instead of my old Southcoast, the insta filtered version ... or whatever its called.


Lastly, found yet another project to land on the to-do list somewhere.... Pretty sure the first one is supposed to have some more of those little balls ... and the second one is even more dry of little balls.



All these fun little projects are stacking up fast! I have a cleat in range if that cam cleat gives me a hard time. Ain't nothin in bad shape that doesn't have a contingency or two already thought out. In all honesty, these things make up the tinkering projects I enjoy doing anyways. I'll wager a guess you all do to, otherwise you wouldn't be here with me.

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