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NW Rendezvous in B C 2018


Member III
Thanks for all the info, Bruce. We will be traveling from the lamb roast on Saturna, July 1. We look forward to meeting everyone. Sorry to hear you can’t make it, Loren. Was looking forward to seeing you after reading your posts all these years.


Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
Planning for currents

-- Port Townsend to Sidney, Thurs 5-July

I started looking at my current-charts (hey, no sense rushing into things... it makes perfect sense to pick the days and *then* look at the conditions, right?) and noticed that the currents are UGLY headed up past Victoria on the 5th. 3+ knots on the nose during much of the day, if I stick to the middle of the waterways.

But it looks - at least on paper - that there is an interesting counter-current going the right direction if I hug the west side of San Juan Island.


Anyone ever use that? How close to shore would I need to be? (noting that there's new voluntary "no-go zone" along that shoreline, 1/4 mile out and 1/2 mile outside Lime Kiln Point)

Thanks in advance, Bruce

(edited to add a snip of the current-atlas)
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Kevin A Wright

Member III
Hi Bruce,

Sorry I won't make it this year but Genoa Bay is a nice spot. I pretty much live by the current charts. Sailing out of Port Townsend without them would be crazy. With them you can make it from PT to Sidney easily in a day, but without them you never would. Its all about timing your departure to get the best out of the currents. You want leave to catch the last 2 hours of the outgoing tide to get past point Wilson. That means you will hit slack up near Smith Is., then the current will turn and start pushing you up past San Juan Is. I normally head towards Canada at a little before Lime Kiln so you pass on the West side of D'Arcy Is and into either Cordova or Sidney channels. The wind is normally blowing straight up or down Harrow Straight and this gives you a better point of sail than beating up to Roche and then turning West.

For getting up to Genoa from Sidney I'd recommend going through Iriquois channel and not Johns channel. Johns has a big effing rock in the middle of it. Not a problem for little stinkpotters or a local who knows where it is, but those of us with a fathom of keel sticking down better know where it is. I've gone through several times in my E27 but have yet to take the E35 through. Also be VERY paranoid in Schwartz bay. The BC ferries will run you over and have done so (fatally) in the past. They expect you to get out of their way. You have ferries entering and exiting through multiple channels and they are moving much faster than you are. Keep your head on a swivel.

If you happen to be in Roche Harbor the nights of July 13 or 14 look me up. I'm taking the gals up there instead of to Langley this year. Will head down to Lopez on the 15th to overnight before heading back to PT on the 16th.

Kevin Wright
E35 Hydro Therapy


Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
Its all about timing your departure to get the best out of the currents.

Thanks, Kevin!

My current "plan" (that's probably overstating the degree to which I've settled on it) is to get out PT by 0600 on 5-July. (slack at Pt. Wilson is 0631... maybe I should leave at 0430 to get the last two hours of ebb? Hmmm)

That should get me across the Strait through an easterly set but no real on-the-nose current (the 0800 current chart looks like this):


With luck I'll be near Cattle Point by 10am, and then have a decision to make - head up inside the San Juans (San Juan Channel)... which has sorta random currents along the way but could lead to some favorable current in Spieden Channel, or... see if I can find the counter-current along the west side of San Juan Island which, over the next couple of hours, looks like it could flush me more or less toward Sidney. The noon chart looks like this:


the current will turn and start pushing you up past San Juan Is.

Yeah, unless I'm misreading my current atlas, I'm not seeing a favorable push northbound in Haro until late in the day.

The 7pm current chart looks really great past Victoria... but I'd kinda like to get into Sidney earlier than that in order to clear CBSA and all.


If you happen to be in Roche Harbor the nights of July 13 or 14 look me up.

I'd love that! But need to be on an airplane for work on the 15th, so current plan is to be back in Everett by the 13th.

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Kevin A Wright

Member III
Yep looks like you've got the right idea. When I talked about the 'northern push' I was referring to the counter current along the side of San Juan Island and just follow that right over to the west side of D'Arcy and up to Sidney. It's usually out to about 1/4 mile off the coast.

You can certainly push through Wilson on a slack, but be ready for a washing machine ride. There will be a rip forming somewhere along there that will move with the tide. And the rip moves about as fast as a sailboat in the same direction you are heading. So if you are unlucky you can get stuck in the turbulent water for an hour or more as it moves with you. At the wrong time and wind can have 3' standing waves and whirlpools that will swing you 30 degrees. Gets old fast. Keep an eye on the horizon and sometimes you can get on the other side of the rip by jogging north towards Partridge Point first.

Sorry we won't see you in Roche, but have a good time in Canada. If you stop in Sidney there is a bakery about 2 blocks up the main drag on the left hand side that has beef pies. Nothing like a cold beef pie and a cup of coffee for breakfast!

Kevin Wright

E35 Hydro Therapy

Second Star

Member III
2018 rv genoa bay

With much regret Second Star must bow out of the RV this year as Launi's last 2 chemo treatments have been set back a week to just before the RV. We may try a road trip to say hi to all if she feels up to it.
David and Launi Kirby


Member II
Hoping you can come.

With much regret Second Star must bow out of the RV this year as Launi's last 2 chemo treatments have been set back a week to just before the RV. We may try a road trip to say hi to all if she feels up to it.
David and Launi Kirby
Keeping you both in our prayers. Know we want what is best for you Launi. Hoping you can come. Tom and Karin on Achates


Member II

The problem with Ganges is it is always a madhouse and the summer weekends are crazy. I could see fights breaking out over berths. Genoa is a more relaxed place. For an alternative get to gether that's not part of the Rendezvous is some of us could consider a raft up at Montague Harbor. It's a wonderful anchoring harbor.
Montague also has the park for stretching legs. A Jitney type bus goes over to Stavis Bay Area to the Humming Bird Pub with store close by. The pub bus is a memorable event!


Member III
Touchrain slammed through that washing machine/haystacks Wednesday, unsuccessful in an attempt to avoid it by heading a bit West at Pt. Wilson. Safe in Swartz Bay now and heading for lamb roast in Saturna July 1. Looking forward to meeting all of you.


Member II
Touchrain slammed through that washing machine/haystacks Wednesday, unsuccessful in an attempt to avoid it by heading a bit West at Pt. Wilson. Safe in Swartz Bay now and heading for lamb roast in Saturna July 1. Looking forward to meeting all of you.

Enjoy the lamb roast, if this is your first time, take a long dinghy painter!


Member III
Thanks. Great roast. Is anyone making reservations at the cafe? How does eating work? Any pot lucks? Heading to Montague today.


Member III
Was kinda curious about this myself, maybe just a play it by ear thing?
We made reservations Friday night at 7 pm. Reservations are under Wilson, in case anyone wants to join. There are currently 4 of us from Touchrain and Finally Free. An E32. Call the marina at 2507467621 and choose option 2.
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Junior Member
New Member!

We made reservations Friday night at 7 pm. Reservations are under Wilso, in cas anyine wants to join. There are currently 4 of us from Touchrain and Finally Free. An E32. Call the marina at 2507467621 and choose option 2.

We recently purchased an Ericson 32 and live in Maple Bay, very close to Genoa Bay. We heard today about the Rendezvous this coming weekend and would love to participate in some capacity. Is there a schedule of events??? We have the option of sailing to Genoa Bay or just riding our bikes! Just trying to workout how to schedule our w/e!
Thanks, Alison

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
Having attended past rendezvous, I would strongly recommend you take your boat. That enables people visiting you on your boat, sharing ideas, and being hospitable. If you ride your bike you will be wandering aimlessly on the docks.


Junior Member

Peregrine (32) with Annette and Sarein is finally booked for saturday night. :) Is this when the potluck is supposed to happen?
Looking forward!


Junior Member
New member booked!

Having attended past rendezvous, I would strongly recommend you take your boat. That enables people visiting you on your boat, sharing ideas, and being hospitable. If you ride your bike you will be wandering aimlessly on the docks.

Thanks Frank for your words of encouragement. I have made a reservation for Saturday night and we look forward to welcoming people onto our Ericson 32 'Excalibur'. Looking forward to our first rendezvous!

Alison and Andrew

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
I can't make it to the rendezvous this year, as I have to babysit our newest grand daughter for an event that my daughter can't change. So it would be great if someone could post pictures and a brief write-up of the event--how many boats, any special happenings, etc.