Wynkoop said: "You all have at least one shortwave set on board to get time ticks right?
I have a 1950's Zenith Trans Oceanic tube short wave radio that my dad gave me eons ago. Still works great after it warms up. Sits on my reading table. Changing stations on that old tube radio, besides getting BBC, Voice of America, lots of wavy static, languages I don't recognize and preachers quoting the gospel, I can easily get the the accurate time ticks...like tick, tick, tick, tick, BONG (on the hour), tick, tick...etc. I think the signal comes from Denver, but maybe not? Are those the ticks you are referencing?
Once in a while during a power nap, I do open one eye and compare the BONG to our windup Italian 46 year old wall clock with heavy weights for keeping time...its always within 3-5 minutes a week...good enough for me. Nighty night........