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Only a fraction of that left now. Completely shredded now.
Been up to 65 knots in the bay a few time. Totally off direction from forecast winds. I measured the 65 on my MFD at mast top. Had a gust heal the boat 32° to port. Winds were forecast for the opposite direction at 15-20. That one gust broke 3 welds and took the BBQ with it. I’d guess easy over 70 knots for 15 seconds. The inches of rain were intense also. I collected 3.5” one night. Had 3’+ swells in the bay also. I put my inflatable on the Lee side per forecast. It ended up getting flipped almost onboard upside down with the motor in the water.
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Not been nice here but a few days. Was 38° one morning. Same day as Snow at noon in Brea and Fulleron.
But you can see my jib sheet locked on the winch!!! Will spend today continuing to check for damage.
Yesterday I found the AIS antenna shook loose in its base mount at a point glued my Shakespeare when it was made. Only a year old!!