GPSNavX and Garmin in use
I just completed a two day delivery from Lake Union, Seattle, down to the south Sound, to Olympia.
We were delivering a 33 foot sloop (not an Ericson, but every bit as nice!).
On board was a late model marine/hiway color Garmin "GPSMap 478" with built-in charting and antenna, 3" X 2.2" screen. Then there was the Garmin 76 (grayscale) that came with the boat. Finally there was my G4 iBook, 14" screen, kept inside on the nav desk.
All of these worked fine. The differences were interesting, though.
The Garmin has its own chart rendering scheme, and I was running current NOAA charts I d/l on Friday, which are BSB format.
The color instruments were *much* easier to read than the monochrome Garmin 76. We all found ourselves squinting at the little "76" screen, and everyone agreed that they loved the "real chart" look of the NOAA chart on the Mac.
Screen-wise, regardless of make, bigger really IS better... was the consensus. And, any of these would tell you all you needed, chart wise.
Considering that a late model Mac laptop can be sourced for well under a thou, and this software has a current price of about $60., and the USB antenna costs about $75, and that the charts are free for downloading, it seems like a reasonably thrifty way to navigate.
Electronic Best Wishes,
Loren in PDX
ps: next I would like to get an AIS receiver to plug in...