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calling all 36C


Junior Member
I have just purchased a 36C in Bundaberg QLD Australia. It's current name is Moana but I found documents on the boat that indicate it's previous name was Afriki so it is your old boat Ian. She needs a little bit of attention but nothing major. I plan to use her as a liveaboard and later cruising. I have not decided on a new name yet. Nice boat.
Was a full list of 36C owners ever compiled/maintained?

tommy h

Junior Member
36 c

I just saw that unfinished one in moss landing,I was wondering what boat that was. Does anybody know whos it is.

e38 owner

Member III

Several years ago there was a 36 C on our dock
The owner kept it in immaculate shape and bought it new
Had lots of brass etc.
It was unique in that a custom hinged mast step was added
Has anyone heard of this boat

Mark F

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
Hi Tommy,

I do not know whose bare 36c hull that is in Moss Landing but I was told the owner pays the marine supply shop (at the end of the road) to store it there.

jeff p

Junior Member
New to us 36c

My partner and I have recently purchased a 36c in Anacortes WA.:) We plan on moving it up to Blaine and living aboard. No hull # yet as we await final paperwork. Hull is red (maroon) and boat's name is Dream Seeker. It was a California boat and I believe its original name was "Honey Bee." Would like to find or build a dodger/bimini and maybe even a full cockpit enclosure. Any thoughts or ideas on this would be appreciated

Jeff and Shasta


Good pick

Good pick!!!!
Jeff and Shasta you guys picked a great boat, I took delivery on mine Nov 11.1977, in Marine Del Rey, Ca. I have lived on her ever since. My wife and I have been cruising since 1997. I have pretty much worked on most everything on the boat. You know that it's just a labor of love. I don't clam to be an expert but I do have the experience and the will to take on what ever has to be done. We are now in Panama, where we are just finishing the build on a hard top for the dodger, and adding larger solar panels, and raising the davits. Along the way, we have painted the boat redone the interior for the third/forth redoing all the canvas, put in a teak and holly cabin sole, a freezer in the cockpit box, lots more. The cockpit is sooo comfortable that we spend most of our time there. You can read about us in our blog. Boatbommslog.blogspot.com . If you have any questions please ask ,although internet is slow , we answer. Good luck with your new hobby. Stay in deep water.

jeff p

Junior Member
Rudder fix

Good pick!!!!
Jeff and Shasta you guys picked a great boat, I took delivery on mine Nov 11.1977, in Marine Del Rey, Ca. I have lived on her ever since. My wife and I have been cruising since 1997. I have pretty much worked on most everything on the boat. You know that it's just a labor of love. I don't clam to be an expert but I do have the experience and the will to take on what ever has to be done. We are now in Panama, where we are just finishing the build on a hard top for the dodger, and adding larger solar panels, and raising the davits. Along the way, we have painted the boat redone the interior for the third/forth redoing all the canvas, put in a teak and holly cabin sole, a freezer in the cockpit box, lots more. The cockpit is sooo comfortable that we spend most of our time there. You can read about us in our blog. Boatbommslog.blogspot.com . If you have any questions please ask ,although internet is slow , we answer. Good luck with your new hobby. Stay in deep water.

Thanks for the response Sid! Yes, I have already seen your site and we would love to head south someday. (you're an inspiration to us!) My first question... we have the "rudder clunk" issue which we have negotiated to have fixed. I have already seen posts about this fix and how others have tackled it. We are planning to haul the boat Friday, remove rudder, re-round the shaft base and hole, and install a bronze bushing. I read that someone did this without removing the grudgeon/shoe from the skeg. I am hoping we won't have to remove it. Someone had made a type of jig that fit against the concave section of the hull forward of the leading edge of the rudder to hold the drill square while drilling out the hole. It seems like this may work for us. But if not... how is the shoe bolted on? Are the bolts horizontal through the sides of the shoe fitting? or do they go vertical up through the hull? And... how difficult is it to remove?
Thanks again for your response.
Yes, we love the cockpit and hope create an enclosure so it is even more useful in the pacific NW weather.


rdder clunk

Ya we had that but it was an easy fix, also I helped a friend in Trinadad with his. We took the rudder off, you have to take the the steering quad off, and also loosen or remove the cables, just a tight job. While you are there check that the cable pulleys are properly attached to the bulkhead,(I put in s/s backing plates long before we went cruising they were rusting out). The rudder is pretty heavy because it was not sealed and was full of water(I drilled some holes in the bottom and stood it up for a week while flooding it with fresh water and vinegar ) I shaped the pin as good as possible in Venezuela. The shoe is simple to remove. Sand all paint and filler off the shoe. You will see that it is held in with(I think either 9 or 11 horizontal pins. You have to use a punch and hammer to remove them. Only punch them far enough so that you can fair the pin enough to knock in out the other way, both ends of the pin are mushroomed. make sure you label them corresponding to their hole as they do change length. The shoe should fall off with a few smacks with a hammer. Once it is off there are 2 things you can do. I took the measurement of the pin and asked the machine shop to make a bushing fit the shoe. In Trinadad we thought that a cutless bearing that would fit the pin tight and be the bushing would be a soother fix, both worked well. Putting it all back together was a slow process but all works well. Good luck. It's not that hard.:egrin::cheers:

Brass Dragon

Member II
Welcome Dream Seeker

We also have a 36C and have it moored in Seattle. We met the previous owners of Dream Seeker up in the Gulf Islands a couple of summers back. I got a great inspiration for raising our helm seat from seeing your boat. If you are down this way, please feel welcome to come over and look at our bimini and dodger for ideas.

dave gane
s/v Brass Dragon

jeff p

Junior Member
Thanks for the info on the rudder fix. This is going to help a lot... and we start tomorrow. Great timing!
Great to hear of another owner in the area. Yes, I would like to see your dodger and bimini sometime. We love the idea of making the cockpit a space we can utilize more in this climate. If you have any pictures, I would be interested in seeing them. Perhaps I'll get in touch next time I'm heading down to Seattle and could see your boat.
Thanks for the responses.
Hope to meet you out on the water someday.

Brass Dragon

Member II
36C bimini pics

Here are a couple pics of the bimini on our boat taken several years ago. We have only a small dodger covering the companionway but I have seen others that span more of the deck, including the aft deck hatch. We also have a lightweight canvas shade cover that attaches to the forward edge of the bimini and goes forward to the shrouds to make time at anchor more pleasant. I replaced the canvas on my bimini a couple years ago and already having issues with it. I wished I had gone for a hard top then. I will when this one gives up.

Cap'n Tim

New Member
1977 36c, Hummingbird, SF Bay

Hello to other owners of 36c flush decks, they are great boats and we are pleased to own one. Hummingbird is a 1977 36c and we believe that she is hull #11. We have owned her since January of 2012, having purchased her from a friend who brought her in 1991 from the original owner in San Diego. She was repowered in 2003 with a Volvo Penta diesel but no other major modifications have been made and she is a very comfortable boat for us.

Hummingbird is berthed on San Francisco Bay and she is a very stable bay sailor; as tricky as the bay winds and currents can be at times. I strive to do my own maintenance when I can and between the previous owner (who still sails with us on occasion) and I, we have become familiar with many of the boats systems. As she was built solidly of hand-laid fiberglass and wood and has wired electronics rather than micro circuits, she is relatively simple to maintain.

If you see us out on the water, do say "Hi.

Cap'n Tim (and Sandy too!)
Ericson 36c #11
Members, San Jose Sailing Club and Santa Clara Power Squadron
San Francisco Bay, California


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New Member
New owner of another Ericson 36C

I just purchased Alta, an Ericson 36C in San Diego from the original owner. She was built in 1976, and is Hull #2. She was originally used as a display model at boat shows.

I've been looking at boats for over a year, and this one fit our needs better than any of them. She has a few things that need tending to, but I'm looking forward to it. Overall, she's in good shape, though - the original owner has had her for 39 years, and is just getting a bit old for her now, so he's begrudgingly giving her up.

I've recently started a blog at saillift.com if you want more details.



James A.Burton

Hello, I have a 1976 Ericson 36C her name was Blithe,Spirit, but us now Sails Pending. I think the hull # is 56 I am a green horn, and have been living on her ,and working also fir seven months. Im still new to all of this, just wanted to reply and let you know she floats. Norfolk Virginia
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New Member
36C in Everett WA

Hey there fellow 36Cers!

My wife (Lynne) and I (Dave) purchased a 36C "Heidi Rose" in Bellingham in 2016. Hull #18.
It was originally named "Roo II" by its original owners who purchased it in 1977 and sailed it to Sydney Australia (Via Hawaii) in summer 1977.
We know this because their original ships logbook has been with the boat and we now have it!!

Deck and cockpit are fiberglass. Trim inside and out is Mahogany.

Boy- do we love this boat! We've been upgrading systems for the past 4 years.
Standing Rigging, Sails, Water Heater, AutoPilot, Depth, Lifelines, Lazy Jack, Sailpack, Holding Tank, Full DC re-wire.

Largest re-build project was 3 sections of deck core replacement this year (due to water ingress and balsa core rot).

I'm aware of one other 36C in Seattle (Shilshole Bay) but have not seen it. Maybe it's blue jeans?
We also met a 36C in Roche Harbor on San Juan Island. He appeared to be there for awhile (not transient)- but i didn't catch his name or the name of the boat.

Sorry we've been silent on this website. I plan to become more active!



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Junior Member
Alright, it's finally time for me to reply!

Hull #7, here. I'm the owner of Outrun, purchased in 2016 in the San Francisco Bay, where she remains, today.

I'm including a Google Photos album link that I continue to update every time I do additional work:

There's also a blog that I periodically update with projects: