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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

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  1. Jeff Asbury

    Paper Navigation Charts. 20 pounds worth.

    Not sure what to do with 20 Pounds of Paper Navigation Charts.:confused: My Father has been collecting Navigation Charts since the mid 1960's through the mid 1990's. Dad did some extensive cruising in the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia & Alaska, so there are quite a few of those areas...
  2. Mikebat

    Google Maps + NOAA charts

    Found this site today. http://demo.geogarage.com/noaa/ It overlays NOAA charts on top of Google maps. You can move a slider to control the transparency of the chart overlay. As you zoom in, it automatically switches to the more detailed charts. Pretty cool.
  3. T

    Free Booklet Charts

    :egrin: About two weeks ago boaters tv at http://theboaterstv.com ran a piece on free booklet charts. These thing are great seem to cover all us charts the url for the free site is http://www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/staff/BookletChart.html for those who have dificulty the site is...
  4. K

    Google Earth meets online charts

    Check out the following website - Online charts overlayed on Google Earth http://demo.geogarage.com/noaa/ Use the slider bars on the upper right corner to fade the satellite and label views. Kevin
  5. B

    FYI: Free Electronic charts and software

    FYI: I suppose everyone knows about this, but just in case you didn't you can download free NOAA ENC electronic navigation charts and Windows software from the following sites: http://www.fugawi.com/web/products/fugawi_view_enc.htm http://ocsdata.ncd.noaa.gov/ChartServerV2.0/jsp/index.jsp...
  6. u079721

    Maptech US Boating Charts

    I was reading about downloading free US nautical charts the other day, and came across this link to a Maptech site: http://www.freeboatingcharts.com/ . It is basically a service where they help you download the free US charts, but can bundle them to speed up the process. You can get all of...
  7. S

    Free NOAA Charts.

    All, In a recent Boat US Magazine (March 2006)there is a artical that features a way to download free NOAA Charts. There are 1000s of charts online that you can download for free. Website www.chartmaker.ncd.noaa.gov Good luck, Wes Zimmerman :cheers: :cheers: "SAILS CALL"...
  8. E

    Free raster charts - What is the story

    Hi, Now that Maptech is releasing charts for free (www.freeboatingcharts.com) I'm wondering what the story is. They were making so much money and went so far as to encrypt the charts that I wonder what it took to get them to give us OUR NOAA charts back. Anybody know? __Ethan
  9. 1973E29 TUG

    FYI... Free Up to date electronic charts and software

    I found this post in the seven seas cruising association website for the Maptech free downloadable electronic charts. I believe they are the latest NOAA charts and they have them divided up into regions with just about the entire coastal US available. You can download all the charts for your...