I searched the forum but came up empty on this. Has anyone got a great system for running lines aft on the E35-3 without tearing out the traveller footings? On my boat, the fairly wide traveler footings leave little room for running the lines aft between the footing and the cabin entry...
I am looking for an original copy of the E35-III brochure featured here. I recently purchased a boat that I believe was featured in the pictures. Thanks in advance
I have owned my 1989 E35-III for a 3 years now and am thoroughly enjoying the boat.
Recently the Autohelm 6000 died.
I found a new Raymarine S2G with warranty on the internet at a great price point and installed it along with a ST6002 plus.
After finishing the install and doing the required...
I see 2 boats listed on YW that claim to have a tall rig. I have never seen any reference here or on any PHRF table that indicates the 35 ever came with a tall rig. Maybe an owner upgrade? Any ideas?
Can anyone explain in simple terms the difference between these three 35's. I'm most likely going to become the new owner of a E35 by the 1st of October. I'm sure I'll probably be asking a lot more questions then.
I removed the quarterberth top this weekend so I can remove the fuel tank for inspection and cleaning. The PO claimed that he had the tank removed and welded to repair a leak in the lower corner. I found that the tank is tabbed down on 3 sides with FG cloth. Is this stock or did someone add...
I am looking to replace my original Bomar portlights. I am not sure if they are smoked or not. They are so crazed it is hard to tell. Does anyone know? They appear to have a slight bluish tint but I would not call that smoked. My Lewmar hatches deffinately have a smoke tint to them but this...
Can ayone tell me the point along the mast to lift it out of the boat? I would like to keep it a little bottom heavy so as to keep it upright once clearing the partner. My YC just installed a nice, new jib boom rig for stepping and unstepping masts. This will be a major money saver as I can...
After cruising for the last 10 days, I have noticed a pronounced list to starboard. Waterline is about an inch or so lower on starboard side. I think it was always there. Is this a common trait to this boat? If so, how is it resolved? I have tried moving gear and filling tanks in different...
We (a couple) are looking for a boat to cruise the Bahamas and the Caribbean, and the Ericson 35-III is high on our short list. They tell me we will most likely be doing a lot of motoring (or motor-sailing), much of it upwind, to get from Miami to the BVI's. Most of our research seems to...
I have an opportunity to buy a 1985 E35-3 with the shoal keel. I live in Annapolis and sail on the Chesapeake Bay. I currently own a 1985 Hunter 31 which I like very much. The boat is fast and fun but gets squirrelly in big winds and is exhausting to steer under such conditions.
We have a very nice E35-III for sale on the Texas Gulf Coast. We are asking 57,500 but are looking for offers/trades as we have moved up and are now two boat owners.