
  1. J

    Ericson 26 Rudder delamination

    I have a 1986 Ericson 26 w/ a composite type rudder. It is delaminating. The area of Delamination is about 8-12" by 14-18" on one side of rudder only. It is a foam core rudder with a plastic skin. I cut a small area open to investigate construction. It looks as if some water collected in...
  2. J

    Olson 34 rudder blisters

    Listmates, I own a 1989 Olson 34, hull number 24. Before I bought it, it had had a blister job on its hull. I don't know if they did anything to the rudder. The hull has held up well, with no blisters to date. The rudder is chock full of blisters, say dime to quarter size. I had them repaired...
  3. T

    Rudder shaft stuffing box

    Greetings, All. I once read on an earlier Ericson list, that someone had replaced the flax packing on the always troublesome E32-2 rudder stuffing box with an o-ring. Does anyone have any information on dimensions, material, and where to get such an o-ring? I'm hauling out this year and would...