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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

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  1. Reformatting Head Plumbing '88 Ericson/O-34

    O34 Reformatting Head Plumbing '88 Ericson/O-34

    It will help me and perhaps others deep into Head/Waste handling on their 80's Ericson's and Olson's to have some previous information pulled together. The referenced threads date from before I started using this site's blog capabilities. The EY.org Blog section is, to me, a very useful part of...
  2. Quincy Head Hose Replacement

    E38-200 Quincy Head Hose Replacement

    Replacing our head hoses on Quincy has been overdue for a while, and after our July cruise to Barkley and Clayoquot Sounds we had a few down days in Seattle. I decided enough was enough and it was time to tackle a project I’d been putting off for too long. Luckily Chris was there too, so she...
  3. Macerator and Accumulator Replacement

    E381 Macerator and Accumulator Replacement

    Boats with access to deep water are plumbed for overboard discharge outside the three-mile limit. They discharge only from the holding tank, unlike older systems which permitted direct flow from the toilet. Since pump-out stations are not always handy, overboard discharge is pretty much required...
  4. G

    Sanitation hose ratings?

    Hi All, Has anyone researched the different qualities for sanitation hoses? I am replacing my holding tank on my E35/3 and there are a number of different 1 1/2" sanitation hose choices. I've found ones from Greenline (G380 is their top product - white butyl rubber and supposed to be odor...
  5. L

    New Sanitation Hose

    I've completed the unpleasant task of removing the Wilcox-Crittenden Headmate toilet from my 35-3. I also had to remove the discharge hose to the holding tank, which was a Sealand Odor Safe that has become clogged with calcium and even more inflexible with age. I'm now prepared to install a new...
  6. ChrisS

    Sanitation System Questions

    I finally got up enough gumption to rip out the old Kracor recirculating tank and hoses. A roll of duck tape, a box of heavy duty latex gloves, a can of bleach wipes, and stack my daughter's size 3 diapers came in handy to make this a stinky but tolerable job (the hoses were rank!). While I...
  7. A

    karcor retention sanitation system

    just purchased the 74 ericson 35II. it has a karcor retention sanitation system installed. does anybody have one of these systems and if so how do you like it. another question. on the regular system do you have a dedicated thru hull for the wet side of the bowl. thanks greg
  8. Sean Engle

    Sealing Sanitation Lines?

    What have you guys done about sealing the barbed ends of sanitation lines? I know that I can use some dish soap to lubricate them to mount the house - or heat them some with hot water - but what about actually sealing them? Has anyone actually used a type of sealant to prevent leaks at the...