There is a listing of a 1975 Ericson 35-2 that was built by Capital Yachts. Did Ericson contract out some of its manufacturing, and if so , were there any issues? I am a newbie, and am looking to buy my first sailboat. I have sailed in clubs previously, and had great experiences on Ericsons.
Stumbled onto this while surfing...
Looks to be all Farr designs, Swedish built. Well, nothing like using our good Viking name:devil:
After my first week back at work following a 15 day cruise in the San Juan and Canadian Gulf Islands, I am now sitting in a hotel in Washington DC waiting for a Stevie Wonder Concert in Balitmore tomorrow (Go Stevie!).
First off, it is amazing how incredibley far away from work you can get on...
Can someone clear me up on the virtues and benfits of owning a documented vessle? I sail on the chesapeake and I have recently purchased my E 38. The boat is documented. I paid several hundred dollars to have the documentation transfered into my name at purchase. I also paid MD state sales tax...