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2014 Rendesvous Information


chas and judy
Great News From Eden 30+, Hilda Harris and Second Star both E28+ FROM CFSA

:egrin: It's official! The 2014 Ericson Rendezvous will take place on June 28 and 29 at Maple Bay Marina! We have guest speakers and entertainment planned and, of course, the much beloved pot luck dinner on Saturday night.

Vikings are encouraged to contact the friendly folks at Maple Bay Marina as soon as possible to reserve a spot. Moorage is $1.40/foot and power is $6/night for 30 amp and $4/night for 15 amp. The marina has a dock dedicated to guest moorage and it is our goal to fill every spot on that dock with Ericsons!

So grab your credit card and give the marina a call toll free at 866-746-8482 to make your reservation or email them at info@maplebaymarina.com.

For those of you not yet acquainted with Maple Bay Marina, you will be pleasantly surprised at its idyllic setting and friendly atmosphere. For those who have had the good fortune of experiencing the marina's hospitality, it will be like returning home. The marina has all the services you need - fuel, chandlery, coffee shop, grocery store, laundry, showers and The Shipwreck Pub! It is located on Vancouver Island approximately 15 nautical miles north of Port Sidney via Sansum Narrows.

We look forward to renewing old friendships and making new ones! See you in Maple Bay!

Helga, Joe (In Sync) Wanda and C.A. (Nimue)


Member II
Another Birthday!

Ya know what Frank and Karen? I think that's a great idea! Let's make it a Happy Birthday! celebration for all Ericsons that are celebrating a decade birthday. We'll add "Morning Mist" to the cake!

Helga and Joe

Jewel is turning 30 this year too!

Dan & Julie
Jewel 1984 E28+


New Member
Maple Bay a great choice

We've had many happy weekends at Maple Bay Marina with our yacht club, Sidney North Saanich, and really look forward to this Ericson rendezvous there. I look after reciprocity for my club, and invite all members of any club coming from Puget Sound to overnight at our recip dock in Tsehum Harbour. There's a customs dock there. Other details at yachtdestinations.org/reciprocal/attachments/ClubCutSheet-107.html. From there to Maple Bay is an easy day trip.

Jon and Caroline Preston
Grand Cru
Ericson 32-3 (1986)

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author

We've had many happy weekends at Maple Bay Marina with our yacht club, Sidney North Saanich, and really look forward to this Ericson rendezvous there. I look after reciprocity for my club, and invite all members of any club coming from Puget Sound to overnight at our recip dock in Tsehum Harbour. There's a customs dock there. Other details at yachtdestinations.org/reciprocal/attachments/ClubCutSheet-107.html. From there to Maple Bay is an easy day trip.

Jon and Caroline Preston
Grand Cru
Ericson 32-3 (1986)

Be careful who you invite!
There might be some nefarious characters reading this!!

RCYC Port Capt



Junior Member
Another for the Rendezvous

After an email from Loren we just booked into the marina for our first Rendezvous. We usually race in the SIN regatta that weekend but this is going to be way more fun! How many Olson 34s will we have, I wonder......

Elaine & Nigel
Olson 34 Synergy
Nanaimo, BC


Member II
Booked in !!!!!

We're booked in and looking forward to the "RENDEZVOUS".
Dawntreader is 31 this year and does want a bite of the birthday cake.

See you all in June.
Rudy & Patricia

D & DM Cahill

Member II
2014 Rendezvous Birthday Boats

Although we can't make the Rendezvous due to a prior commitment, our boat, Amazing Grace, turns 30 this year. If you do have a big birthday party, please add Amazing Grace to the boats being celebrated. Thanks. Dave


Member II

Wow! Thanks for that generous offer Grand Cru! I was at Maple Bay marina today and see that we have 10 boats confirmed. That's a great start to filling the visitors dock at Maple Bay with Ericsons over the June 28/29 weekend.

Thanks again for your support and the reciprocal moorage offer. It's this sort of community effort that makes the Ericson family such a great bunch of people.

Looking forward to the end of June!

We've had many happy weekends at Maple Bay Marina with our yacht club, Sidney North Saanich, and really look forward to this Ericson rendezvous there. I look after reciprocity for my club, and invite all members of any club coming from Puget Sound to overnight at our recip dock in Tsehum Harbour. There's a customs dock there. Other details at yachtdestinations.org/reciprocal/attachments/ClubCutSheet-107.html. From there to Maple Bay is an easy day trip.

Jon and Caroline Preston
Grand Cru
Ericson 32-3 (1986)


Member II

I'm not sure how many Olson's we will have at the rendezvous, but seeing as how you're the first Olson to register you are the winner of one of the many prizes we will have to give away at the rendezvous.

We look forward to welcoming you to your first rendezvous!

Helga and Joe

After an email from Loren we just booked into the marina for our first Rendezvous. We usually race in the SIN regatta that weekend but this is going to be way more fun! How many Olson 34s will we have, I wonder......

Elaine & Nigel
Olson 34 Synergy
Nanaimo, BC


Member II
Rendezvous Birthday Bash

Done! I have added Jewel to the list of birthday boats.

Are there any other boats out there that are attending the rendezvous and celebrating a decade birthday? Let me know and we will be happy to add your boat's name to the birthday cake.

Jewel is turning 30 this year too!

Dan & Julie
Jewel 1984 E28+


Walt and Marty Crichlow
Brigadoon is Coming! Would like a poster will send request to email address.

Hi Loren,

Yes, I have the full size JPG file and also the PSD photoshop file. The JPG is 3 megs and the PSD is 44 megs. I think the JPG file would be best for your purposes. I don't seem to be able to attach the full size file here so if you would like to send an email to ericsonrendezvous@gmail.com I'll fire back an email with the attached large poster file.

Anyone else that is interested in having the poster file full size to print and display at your club/marina please send me your email and I'll send it off to you as well.


Brigadoon, Walt and Marty Crichlow, are coming!!! Reservations made with the Maple Bay Marina, see you there!


Walt and Marty Crichlow
2014 Rendezvous

At the suggestion of the volunteers for this year's gathering, I moved the main thread info to its own new-title thread, and closed the former polling thread.

Hope this is OK with the NW vikings. I feel that we are now at the point of needing to focus on the actual event.

I also hope that someone can get a "press release" out to this fine magazine soon.

Note that there are relatively long lead times for most print media, like 48 North. The editor at 48 North was quite helpful to me last year in composing a writeup, I should add.

Marina Info:


Brigadoon, Walt and Marty Crichlow are planning on attending. Reservations made with Maple Bay Marina. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!!! We should arrive Friday pm.


Member II
Rendezvous at Maple Bay, BC

Yaaaay Brigadoon! Looking forward to seeing you both again. I bet your addition of a "wine cask" accessible from the cockpit gets top marks as the most innovative modification to an Ericson.

We'll be at Maple Bay Friday through Sunday so we'll be there to greet you when you arrive.

See you soon!

Helga and Joe

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
US Customs and stuff......

Is a US passport sufficent to enter Canada by boat and return to the US. Or are other documents required??

Yes for your Passport(s). And going either way it would be best if your boat was up to date with it's registration # and ownership paperwork.

Matter of fact we spent an hour this morning at the Portland Customs office at their Port office out on North Marine Drive... trying to get our "Small Vessel Reporting System" Number. They have been having trouble with their web site for many days, as I found out when their supervisor tried to enter our personal and boat info manually this morning and their site crashed for him just like it's been doing when I accessed it from our home for several days and it refused to let me complete the forms.

In theory, you enter your personal, passport, and boat info into the site and then....... it directs you to schedule a face-to-face appointment at your local Customs office where they interview you, get your fingerprints and picture on file, and then issue you a special SVRS number you can use to phone in your entry back into the US, by cell phone. Rather handy when you are returning from Canada and do not wish to detour back into Pt Angeles.

The concept is great, but their computer db system seems to cause them as much trouble as it does us civilian boaters! :rolleyes:

Nice guys, though, and they took all of our required info and said they call me with my new SVRS number soon.

This new program has evidently been around since about 2009; starting on the east coast, and opened up to west coast boaters later - maybe 2011 or '12.
Like all of their other "trusted traveler" schemes, this only works if you leave and return with the Same preregistered crew on board.

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Member II
Made my reservation

After missing too many years, Fairhaven and crew will be attending Rendezvous in June. Looking forward to catching up with all.:cheers:


Member II
Rendezvous 2014!

Welcome aboard the 2014 Rendezvous Fairhaven and crew! Look forward to having you.

After missing too many years, Fairhaven and crew will be attending Rendezvous in June. Looking forward to catching up with all.:cheers:


Member II
2014 Rendezvous Maple Bay!

Grab that passport and boat registration papers and come join us! I haven't double checked with actual marina registrations (which was 11 at last count) but I believe we are up to 15 boats now. Look forward to having you join the party!

Is a US passport sufficent to enter Canada by boat and return to the US. Or are other documents required??

TS Farley

Member II
rendezvous t-shirts

Ahoy Vikings,

The 2014 Maple Bay rendezvous t-shirts are ready to be ordered. A separate thread has been started with the information.
