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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

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    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

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    March Meeting Info

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2014 Rendesvous Information


Member II

I am a new registrant to the Ericson website and looking forward to attending my first Ericson rendezvous. Rare Times, a 1972 E32-2 will be there and moorage reservations have been made. My regular crew will be unable to attend, so the press gang is currently beating the taverns and houses of ill repute for a replacement.

See you there.


Welcome Dennis!

If you are searching taverns and houses of ill repute for sailing crew, then you will have no doubt have found someone by now. :egrin:
We look forward to having you join us. I do believe there are over 20 boats attending at this point, which means there will likely be more as we still have 3 weeks to go.


New Member
2014 ericson rendesvous

I have registered Starlight and myself for the rendezvous at Maple Bay for the 27th to the 30th. tried unsuccessfully to find info on the tee shirts, not yet too good at navigating this site. Vessel is E35-3 built Nov. 1984 for the 1985 model year. Greg and Mate (canine).
:egrin: It's official! The 2014 Ericson Rendezvous will take place on June 28 and 29 at Maple Bay Marina! We have guest speakers and entertainment planned and, of course, the much beloved pot luck dinner on Saturday night.

Vikings are encouraged to contact the friendly folks at Maple Bay Marina as soon as possible to reserve a spot. Moorage is $1.40/foot and power is $6/night for 30 amp and $4/night for 15 amp. The marina has a dock dedicated to guest moorage and it is our goal to fill every spot on that dock with Ericsons!

So grab your credit card and give the marina a call toll free at 866-746-8482 to make your reservation or email them at

For those of you not yet acquainted with Maple Bay Marina, you will be pleasantly surprised at its idyllic setting and friendly atmosphere. For those who have had the good fortune of experiencing the marina's hospitality, it will be like returning home. The marina has all the services you need - fuel, chandlery, coffee shop, grocery store, laundry, showers and The Shipwreck Pub! It is located on Vancouver Island approximately 15 nautical miles north of Port Sidney via Sansum Narrows.

We look forward to renewing old friendships and making new ones! See you in Maple Bay!

Helga, Joe (In Sync) Wanda and C.A. (Nimue)


Member II

Welcome Greg! Glad to hear that you will be joining us. As Starlight is a 1984 build, she qualifies as a birthday boat. We'll be sure to add her name to the list of boats celebrating a decade birthday this year.
The cut-off date for ordering T-shirts has come and gone, but we have ordered a few extra and will have them for sale at the rendezvous.
See you soon!

I have registered Starlight and myself for the rendezvous at Maple Bay for the 27th to the 30th. tried unsuccessfully to find info on the tee shirts, not yet too good at navigating this site. Vessel is E35-3 built Nov. 1984 for the 1985 model year. Greg and Mate (canine).


Member II

We are up to 23 boats attending the rendezvous! 6 of those boats are celebrating a decade birthday this year, so the 2014 rendezvous will be a weekend of fun, tall tales and birthday cake for all.

We don't have any formal itinerary for the weekend, just the usual socializing from boat to boat, but you will want to make note that the potluck dinner is at 6pm on Saturday. Door prizes and cake will be dished out after dinner.

We don't yet have a specific time for our speaker on Saturday afternoon, but I'm guessing somewhere around 3pm.

Look forward to seeing everyone!
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C.A. Fields

Boat Information Sheet

Attention all Vikings! We thought it might be a good idea to have the boats display a little info about themselves. Who owns them, home port, modifications made etc. To facilitate this, we have attached a Boat Information Sheet for you to download, complete and bring with you to the rendezvous. There is a doc version and a pdf. We will provide a clear plastic sleeve and zap straps to protect the info sheet from the rain (although it will be sunny all weekend!) and to allow you to hang it from the lifelines for all to see. Not to worry if you don't have time to deal with this before you leave, we will have extra forms available at the rendezvous. Only 9 sleeps until the rendezvous!


  • boat information sheet.pdf
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  • boat information sheet.doc
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Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
What a great idea! My wife and I have always thought it would be interesting to know more about boats that we see on the marina docks in our travels. We are looking forward to renewing acquaintances from last year's rendezvous and meeting knew folks this year. It's great that 23 boats have signed up! See you there!

Morning Mist
1984 E30+
Nanaimo, BC


Contributing Partner
Info Sheet

Great Idea!!!!! Mine is already filled out and ready. There has been a death in the extended family. If Rae Ann comes with me, She will need to leave a day early to be our representative. Is there public transit down to Victoria on Sunday so she could take the Coho across and head south?

Bob Morrison
E-34 Terra Nova

Dennis Stuber

New Member
Ericson Rendezvous

Work has reared its ugly head and forces me to cancel my attendance at this year's rendezvous. Kindly strike me from your list of attendees. I have cancelled my moorage reservations at Maple Bay.

Disappointedly Yours,

Dennis Stuber
E32 Rare Time


Member II

Work has reared its ugly head and forces me to cancel my attendance at this year's rendezvous. Kindly strike me from your list of attendees. I have cancelled my moorage reservations at Maple Bay.

Disappointedly Yours,

Dennis Stuber
E32 Rare Time

Uhhmmmm...isn't that what calling in sick is all about Dennis? Getting time off to attend important meetings, like the rendezvous? ....sigh...however, we understand. We'll catch you at the next one.

Disappointedly yours,

The Rendezvous Organizing Committee
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Member II

Great Idea!!!!! Mine is already filled out and ready. There has been a death in the extended family. If Rae Ann comes with me, She will need to leave a day early to be our representative. Is there public transit down to Victoria on Sunday so she could take the Coho across and head south?

Bob Morrison
E-34 Terra Nova

Yours is already filled out? Nothing like being a step ahead of the organizers. Ours is....on the desk somewhere...

Greyhound does run scheduled service from Duncan to Victoria, and then you can either walk to the Coho terminal or take a taxi. You can check out the schedule online and see if the timing works for you. We can give Rae Ann a ride into Duncan on the Sunday, or it may be possible for her to catch the shuttle van that the marina runs into Duncan to catch the farmers market. You would need to book ahead with the marina and check what time they leave in the morning. Either way, that could work.


Member II
Official Rendezvous Numbers

I have confirmed the attendees with Maple Bay Marina and it turns out that there were 3 more boats on their list that had not announced their attendance via this forum. So, the official number of attendees is 23 boats! Well done Vikings!

There is still room at the dock if there are any other boats that want to show up, just contact Maple Bay Marina with your details.

See you all next weekend!


New Member
Hi, unfortunately Nomad will be unable to attend. We have cancelled our moorage reservation and you won't have to put us on the birthday cake. All the best to all of you and I hope you have a fantastic time!


Member II

Hi, unfortunately Nomad will be unable to attend. We have cancelled our moorage reservation and you won't have to put us on the birthday cake. All the best to all of you and I hope you have a fantastic time!
It's too bad you can't make it. You'll be missed. Not to mention that you'll have to wait for another 10 years to get a piece of decade birthday cake. :egrin:
Enjoy your weekend! Hope it doesn't rain in Vancouver. It's a gorgeous, sunny day here in Victoria and the forecast for Maple Bay has improved - it now shows cloud on Saturday and sun on Sunday. By Friday it will have changed again to sun all weekend!

Rick R.

Contributing Partner
Many Photos Please!

Wish I could fly over and meet you fine folks! Please post up some pictures for the rest of us to admire.....:)

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Wish I could fly over and meet you fine folks! Please post up some pictures for the rest of us to admire.....:)

Hey Rick, two different float plane companies serve this little community! Not sure of the make but both might be Beaver's, one radial engine and other a very trick turbo-prop one that can reverse prop and back up for docking...

Rick R.

Contributing Partner
Hey Rick, two different float plane companies serve this little community! Not sure of the make but both might be Beaver's, one radial engine and other a very trick turbo-prop one that can reverse prop and back up for docking...

We'd need to refuel coming from FL. My youngest son is a pilot and would've flown me over but you know how that goes....

pics of the fleet:rolleyes:
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Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
No pix yet, but gotta say that touring the E-38-200, 34, and 36C, in fairly short order, was a highlight of the morning.
And then, given that only 39 Olson 34's were built, it was great to spend some time back n forth between Synergy and our boat Fresh Air.

For you other "vikings" scattered around the continent, wherever two or more of you can get together just do it! We never met a stranger in the whole lot.


ps: got an email from Harold in Seattle this am... he and Jessie could not get here but are saving several pounds of chocolate and a quantity of "apple pie" for the future.... :)


Member II
Another successful rendezvous!

Wow! What an amazing turnout for the 2014 Ericson Rendezvous! We had a total of 22 boats including two Olsons and two Independence models. We had prizes for the first Canadian and the first US boats to register, the 5th boat to register (just because), the boat that came the furthest, the oldest and newest boats and the first Olson to register. Once those prizes were handed out, we had a draw for 18 door prizes, so not many boats left empty handed.

We would like to thank all of those who contributed door prizes to our rendezvous, including:

Maple Bay Marina, Maple Bay
Blackline Marine, Canoe Cove
Lindstrom Marine Services, Maple Bay
Discovery Marina, Campbell River
Comox Valley Marina, Comox
Trotac Marine Services, Victoria
SeaCom Marine, Campbell River
Blanchard Rigging, Hornby Island
Genoa Bay Marina, Genoa Bay
Comox Marine & Woodworking, Comox
Wills Marine, Comox
Kathy Beach

We have had various requests for a list of the boats that attended the rendezvous and we will endeavour to get this posted in the next couple of days along with pictures from the rendezvous.

Fair winds to all and have a fabulous summer of cruising!


Member II
Rendezvous boats

Here's a list of the boats that attended the 2014 Ericson rendezvous:

Fresh Air
Grand Cru
Hilda Harris
In Sync
Morning Mist
Positive Results
Sea Gypsy
Second Star
Seven and a half%
Terra Nova
Nordic Pearl (popped in to say "hi" on Friday night)

We will upload pictures when we have access to better wi-fi.

Enjoy your summer everyone!

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
2014 Rendezvous was great!!


We just returned home from the 2014 Rendezvous at Maple Bay Marina in BC, and have had some time to reflect on a weekend that went by all too quickly. The marina is one of our favourites and it didn't disappoint this time either. However, more noteworthy was the superb organization and efforts shown by the organizers--Helga & Joe, Wanda & C.A.--who welcomed every boat with a welcome package, ensured that everyone was comfortable and made the whole event such a success.

The potluck dinner was a veritable feast with food left over, great cake with the names of boats celebrating their decade anniversaries in tasty icing on top, and amazing prizes for everyone for all kinds of things--first boat registered, oldest boat, etc.

The dinner was preceded by a very helpful presentation by Stuart from Comox Marine & Woodworking about various systems on our boats--heating, refrigeration, etc. including safety tips and product advice.

The last evening was topped off with an impromptu gathering aboard a lovely Ericson 36C with Jeff and Shasta playing guitar and singing lovely folk songs, augmented by Walt Critchman's melodic harmonica. What a lovely way to spend the evening!

And of course the usual Ericson hospitality was in full evidence with everyone inviting others aboard their boat to exchange ideas about boat layouts, latest projects or additions and descriptions of various sailing trips taken or planned. It was great to see 22 Ericsons lined up together on the docks--what beauty!!

The 2014 Rendezvous was a tremendous success and will be a hard act to follow! As has been the custom, it seems the next one will be held in the U.S. and some possible locations were suggested. If it's anywhere near as good as this years was, it will be great!

Thanks everyone!

Frank & Karen Langer
Morning Mist
1984 E30+
Nanaimo, BC
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