He's Baaaack!
Hi all,
Keith-Here's the deal: If you can't move the lead any farther aft, then the next thing you can do is LOWER the tack. I'm with you on the longer tackline idea, but with that particular sail, and if you cannot go farther aft, your only remedy to get a better lead is lowering the tack. If you think about it, if you rasie the tack, the clew will go UP, making the sheet angle MORE acute (in this case more vertical-which nets a tighter leech-exactly what you don't want for this point of sail). Lowering the tack will tend to lower the clew, with the same effect as moving the lead aft.
So: For close-ish reaches like this if you can get that lead back to the transom corner, great. If not, try lowering the tack a bit-it will help some.
For the deeper angles, that lead is good, and you can then play with the tackline-easing more as you sail deeper-why? again-as you go deeper and ease the sheets, the leech gets progressively less tension just when it needs more-so by easing the tack up, you do 2 things: get the sail higher and farther away from the boat-where the wind is better (and remember this is more beneficial the deeper you go since the apparent wind decreases the deeper you go-so you want more wind where you can find it-up to a point), but more to the point, easing the tack gets that clew higher and effectively moves the lead forward-so you can keep the proper tension on the leech and keep the better shape for deeper angles (a bit rounder)..
Morgan: great question! The tacker, or however folks keep the tack close to the HS is fine when close/beam reaching. But as you noticed, when you go deeper, the farther you can the sail out and away the better it will fly-and has been mentioned by others, it can "rotate" out the weather-thus projecting better, when sailing very deep. So, YES-this WILL improve performance at the deeper angles, and is a push at closer angles-which is why I don't bother with a tacker-IMHO, of course. I know some folks like the stability they can offer in some conditions-and that is a fact. Actually in very bumpy water and the right sailing angles, it would be a bit faster...
Loren: where did you rep Ulmer? I owned the Newport Beach CA loft from 82-87-were you working with Stef up in Seattle? I sure remember that guy!