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Boat names

Kenneth K

1985 32-3, Puget Sound
Blogs Author
Was going to add this comment earlier but restrained myself. Since this post has devolved a bit further, I'll go a ahead.

When considering renaming Mariah, I found "Blow Me," on the list of worst sailboat names. The current list also contains "Makin Luff" and "Spedophile." Yeah, not quite for me....

If I do rename, I've always thought of Satya, which is Sanskrit for truth, essence, or the true nature of things.

What's in a name? That which I call my hull, by any other name would sail just as sweet...
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E27 Roxanne
I have finally, definitely, decided on "Knot Amused"... for the time being. The "too cute" level is pretty high but...oh well. Anchored at harbors again. Constantly changing length of of rode for changing wind conditions and directions. Yesterday the rigging in every vessel was a symphony of rock and roll. No place I'd rather be.
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Sustaining Member
I have finally, definitely, decided on "Knot Amused"...
Reminds me of a boat I knew many years ago, well regarded in the Wednesday night racing scene around Baltimore. It was well known that the boat had been owned by a guy named Bob. Tiring of people continuously referring to "Bob's boat", the new owner rechristened her as "Knot Bobs".


E27 Roxanne
"Tango Hotel Echo Lima Oscar November India Oscar Uniform Sierra"

"Uh, uh, say again boat calling on Channel 9".
With the above in mind I have arrived at "Ajax". It's time to retrieve the hero from the ignomy of being considered a cleaning product.


Member III
With the above in mind I have arrived at "Ajax". It's time to retrieve the hero from the ignomy of being considered a cleaning product.
Which Ajax? There were two.

You want proof? Besides the Iliad, they appear in Offenbach's operetta La Belle Hélène. See
, beginning at about 1:15.
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Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
If this were a Monty Python sketch, at about this point an Army officer steps in from off-set and demands that it stop due to being too silly... ! :)

David Vaughn

E31 Independence - Decatur AL
Blogs Author
My wife was an exchange student in Finland in the 80s - some of her happiest memories.
Our time spent sailing are among of our happiest memories.
Our new (to us) E31 will be getting a new name: Kotona. Finnish for "at home".
Playing around with a graphic. Kotona transom.jpg

David Vaughn

E31 Independence - Decatur AL
Blogs Author
Okay I can't take any more - I'm going to take my niece to the playground and let her ride the seasaw. Oh dang it!


Member II
Nice name. I like Latin, being an important aspect of my day job. I named my previous boat "Sola Scriptura." If I ever get off my butt (after 10 years of ownership!) I may change the name that currently adorns my transom from "Spartina" (which means nothing to me) to "Veritas." We'll see....

My own quirk (and I hope I don't step on any toes here): I dislike any boat name with "wind," "sea," or "dance/dancer" in any combination. Hence: "Wind Dancer," "Fantasea," "Sea Dancer," etc. And then there's "Breaking Wind," which violates not only that "rule" but has other rather obvious problems (worse, I think, even than "Poop Deck," if that's possible). That horrible name comes up more than I would have thought!
I'm in the process of renaming my E38 from "Blue Heron" to "Seneca". Homage to the wise stoic ways and it's early masters.

Alan Gomes

Sustaining Partner
I'm in the process of renaming my E38 from "Blue Heron" to "Seneca". Homage to the wise stoic ways and it's early masters.
It does indeed help to be Stoic when tacking certain maintenance jobs--especially anything related to the head.


Contributing Partner
Not my boat, of course, but the name of a waterman's work boat in Saint Michaels, MD that I photographed and an appropriate one at that since catching fish, tonging for clams or hauling up crab pots in a choppy sea at O'Dark thirty in the AM is hard work.