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E30 Live-aboard


New Member
I am currently applying for an internship at tartan yachts for this summer and I need a place to stay. I have been wanting to seriously try the live aboard thing for a while now and I figured this summer would probably be a good time to start.

Anyway, I was looking at a 1968 Ericson 30 in my price range. Would this be a good choice for a live aboard? If so, does anyone have any useful information about the boat?


Member II
I can't say much about the 30's, but my fiancee and I live on a 35 with both a dog and a cat and we think it is a wonderful liveaboard. I can't imagine a 30 being too bad for one person.

Good luck!


Member III
live aboard

Make sure you can stretch out in the berth; and that you can stand up straight. also storage space is always an issue.

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
I have a friend who lives aboard the same vintage E-30. He's plenty comfortable. I actually lived aboard my E-27 part time for about 2 years. I loved that simple living. Make sure you are berthed at a Marina with showers and laundry facilities and you should be fine. Make sure your AC system is in good condition if you want to use things like a microwave or AC heaters. My friend's E-30 needed the AC re wired.


Savage Sailor
29's okay

I've lived aboard an Ericson 29 for several years, and find it to be perfectly adequate for one person (and a cat). The 29 may feel a little bigger due to the fact that the dinette table folds up, but it should work out for you if you can tolerate relatively small spaces.
