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ericson 26 circumnavatigation!


Member II
sven's E23???

just to keep this scintilating and lively debate going here...
i thought we had a long-time, regular member, sven, who
consistently does blue-water miles with his (granted, beefed-
up and modified) E23???



Member III

Sven is all over the place with his 23 and it amazes me everytime I see him tell one of his stories about going to catalina or the channel islands. The channel Islands is quite a trek for him from Marina Del Rey.

So the debate lives on. In reality you can go anywhere, the risk is in your hands. Just hope none of us ever hit a rogue wave or get in the eye of a hurricane because no matter what you are in it could spell the end.

E27 Amigo
Channel Islands


Member III
I don't remember the manufacturer of the boat, but back in 1988 I had just completed the passage from the Galapagos Islands to Hiva Oa, Marquesas on a 38' Island Trader ketch.
About a day or two after we arrived, a small 24' or 26' boat pulled in with a couple on board. They had sailed from Seattle to Hiva Oa. While the boat itself looked bulletproof, the woman on board was seasick the entire trip, the man said he was never able to stand up in the cabin. The trip was so long and so slow, they were apparently constantly fighting. The story they told was of being under experienced and unprepared for what they actually undertook.
It was amazing that they made it, given the lack of sufficient water storage and food storage, but they DID make it. However, all they wanted to do was get to a place where they could get rid of their boat and return home.
I myself have dreams of a circumnavigation, but even the 38' was very small for the task. I wouldn't go out on a trip like that again on anything less than a sturdy, off-shore-capable 42'.

Jim McCone
Voice of Reason E32-2 Hull #134


briangsmith said:
just to keep this scintilating and lively debate going here...
i thought we had a long-time, regular member, sven, who
consistently does blue-water miles with his (granted, beefed-
up and modified) E23???


I hate to dampen our own reputation, but we're actually quite cautious even if we do go out as often as possible. Catalina, yes several times, with all kinds of weather. Haven't made it up to the roaring Channel Islands yet ... not enough time off :-(

We have had a few very exciting crossings, but only once did I think there was a possibility that we'd have to run for safe harbour.

We do hope to at least get to Santa Barbara Island this summer. Probably Marina Del Rey to Cat Harbour, Cat Harbour to Santa Barbara Island, Santa Barbara Island to Paradise Cove, and finally Paradise Cove back to Marina Del Rey. To make it enjoyable we'd lay over one day at each stop.

We put over 1000 NM under La Petite's keel in 2004 but that's because we do a minimum of 20 NM every weekend and usually more. We keep tweaking and gradually trying to make her feel well cared for, but she's basically a solidly built, beautifully designed, stock E23. We're lucky that she was so well cared for the first 28 years, before we found her on eBay.


1973E29 TUG

Member I
E29 Circumnav in progress... See web log

There is a post in the "raft-up" section of the community forum about a couple of guys (a Canadian and a Norwegian) who are on their way around the world in an E29. See the post in "Raft-Up" called "Big Fish Story on an E29" They have a web site that is tracking their progress through log entries, photos, and video clips. their website is www.trafficated.com.