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Forum slow lately?

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I noticed this yesterday and today, and just figured it was somehow due to our rather poor Comcast service.
(Other sites have been slow, too.)
Something to watch, looks like.

Carefree Sailor

Member II
I've noticed the problem for a couple of weeks and thought it was something on my end. Earlier today I considered posting a query to see if others have been having the problem but didn't do it. Thanks Christian for doing so.
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Tom Metzger

Sustaining Partner
Pages very slow to load for me the last week or so, other sites load as usual. Just me?

I had thought my abacus needed oiling. I first noticed it last night. I'm glad to hear I'm not alone.

Last night I checked my connection speed and it was up where it belonged (15/1) while I was having the problem.

Hmmm, I thought Sean said he had received enough money. :)

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Update Time!

Time for a site update... I'll plan on taking the site down this weekend and applying the latest update, scrubbing the db and seeing if we cannot speed up. I'll also check with our friends in Pittsburgh to see what they know about it...

Stand by...


Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Take a Look at it Now

For those of you who hit the site daily and noticed the slowdown, take a look at it now - go through different places, pull up images, etc - and tell me if you notice a difference...


Tom Metzger

Sustaining Partner
For those of you who hit the site daily and noticed the slowdown, take a look at it now - go through different places, pull up images, etc - and tell me if you notice a difference...

Sean - I had noticed it primarily at night, starting in the late afternoon here in the eastern time zone. Right now it seems to be quite good, but tonight will be a better test after the west coast users wake up.

We appreciate your looking into it for us.

Rick R.

Contributing Partner
For those of you who hit the site daily and noticed the slowdown, take a look at it now - go through different places, pull up images, etc - and tell me if you notice a difference...


Sean it is extremely slow day and night. Maybe it's time to host the site elsewhere? I know that helped me with one of my sites.

Thanks for taking care of this Sean!

Rick R.

Contributing Partner
Sean I visited the site today from my office with a hardwired desktop. I got to the splash page quickly. When I clicked to skip the intro, it slowed way down again.


Amazingly Still Afloat
Blogs Author
It never got slow for me, but on an unrelated note, but is there a photo gallery?

I may be doing it wrong, but is there a way to view all the photos on the site without looking through individual threads?


Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Sean, this note is to let you know that the site appears to be working much faster this morning. Thanks.

Great, thanks George!

Also - the site has now been updated to the latest version and had all the security patches applied. I still have some issues to work out, however - and plenty of work to do.

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