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Found an A4 ops manual


Member III
I was throwing my weekend garbage in the marina's dumpster when I spotted an Universal Atomic Four Series operations manual. It's in great shape, if anyone needs one please speak up. I have a diesel, and not familar with this engine, but inside it says it covers models UJ, UJS, UJR, UJSR, UJVD. No dates anywhere to age book other then the front cover indicating "Form AAC-M".



  • A4-2.jpg
    56.3 KB · Views: 319

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Atomic 4 Manual

Can you scan it - or send it to me and I'll scan it? It would be a useful doc to have on the index (if it's not already there...).



Member III
Didn't find in the docs index

Looked through the docs index and didn't find this one. It would make for a nice addition.

I'll drop in the mail since you will scan at the correct resolution for the site upload.


Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Good deal - we'll scan it and put it up with the others!

Thanks -


Member III
Its out the door...

In the snail mail today.. lets see how long it takes to go (right) coast to (left) coast!:egrin:



Member III
Sean -Did it arrive into the great northwest?

:egrin: Just thought the USPO is at it again..

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Got it - Thanks! Should be scanned soon...

Sorry - I've been putting on the roof. Yes, I got it (it's right here on my desk) and began scanning it - when my scanner crashed my box (my scanner is a very old, small cheap-o model). I'll be running over onto campus later this week, and will scan it there on the big plate scanner.

I'm sorry for not having sent a note to thank you - this roof (+ insulation, + removal of knob and tube wiring + lining of crawl spaces with plywood) has sucked up all my attention... :boohoo:



Member II
OT Query about Scans


This is going to sound real stupid...

How do you take a scan (say, either .JPG or .GIF?) and turn it into a PDF? What application do you use? Is such available for Mac OS X?


Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Computer Graphics Pro to the rescue here. You use Adobe Acrobat. If you are on a Mac you can simply drag your .jpg, .gif right onto the application Icon. Or you can open the image in Acrobat by just selecting file open from the pull down menu. I don't believe it's much different on a PC but since I stay away from those things as much as possible I am not sure.

Once you have it open in Acrobat you can rotate it, add text and even have multiple pages with up to 100 image pages.

FYI, Acrobat is the application used to make PDF.

Acrobat Reader is also Freeware and can be downloaded at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

You can also open and save files in PhotoShop and Illustrator as PDFs!

Good Luck

Thank You

Jefferson Asbury

Graphic Designer

PCA Design Center West
9700 Frontage Rd, South Gate, CA 90280
Last edited:

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
PDF's, at your service

The solution is subtle, and built into OSX. You open the JPG in, say, Photoshop Elements. Then click on Print. You get a Print dialog box, and one of your options, in the lower left part of that box is to "Save as PDF".
You can then rename the file on the fly... and leave it on the desktop if you are as disorganized as I.

Creating an instant PFD, when you unexpectedly fall overboard, however, is not yet a feature of Mac OSX !

(Note the sailing content added...)


Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
soup1438 said:

This is going to sound real stupid...

How do you take a scan (say, either .JPG or .GIF?) and turn it into a PDF? What application do you use? Is such available for Mac OS X?


Uhhh - what Jeff said (how typical of me...on birthday cards I often sign "Me2!")... :D


ps: Before anyone asks - 'PDF' stands for 'Portable Data Format' - and it is very portable!


Member II
Paper scan to PDF by cheating

I discovered that the IBM InfoPrint 1145 MFP we have at the office, when I select "e-mail" instead of "Fax" or "Copy" will, with the appropriate e-mail address, scan the paper into a PDF and send it.


Since I only have Acrobat Reader and the Acrobat tool requires $s that it'd be hard to talk my wife into letting me buy (and, AFAICT, it ain't available for someone who runs NO Windows boxes at home and is using the corporate Linux build on his workstation) I wasn't up to coping w/ the accumulating the special-purpose software.

So I found a way to cheat. Now to find other material I want to do that with...


Member III
Good deal!

:egrin: Yea... I'm sure I would have been slower... patients and quality is my motto
