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Got it this far...[Fuel Tank Removal, E38]

Ralph Hewitt

Member III
Remove fuel tank 1982 Ericson 38.
Took off glass tape on portside to hull.
Will Not move? Where else is it glassed?


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Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Mine sits in a bed of expanded foam, which I guess might provide some adhesion. Otherwise I didn't notice any more glass-in than the strip along the outboard edge.

But then I didn't actually remove the tank. Looks like leverage hard to come by.

Ralph Hewitt

Member III
Mine sits in a bed of expanded foam, which I guess might provide some adhesion. Otherwise I didn't notice any more glass-in than the strip along the outboard edge.

But then I didn't actually remove the tank. Looks like leverage hard to come by.
Thinking about just grinding the top off and sitting/droping in a 25 gal Poly tank?

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
It will come out, keep at it. I'll wager the tank is just sitting there, maybe wedged in. Needs to come out, even if you have to saw it up.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I would bet on foam adhesion. I have worked around the foamed outside of our '88 ice box and that stuff is stuck on really well.

Ralph Hewitt

Member III
I would bet on foam adhesion. I have worked around the foamed outside of our '88 ice box and that stuff is stuck on really well.
Thanks Loren, hard to get a Grip and leverage to make it move?
By the way we coming to Vancouver may 20th for a week after 19 day cruise from Miami through Canal to Seattle.
Maybe a day sail or lunch/dinner and catch up face to face?
Im still trying hard but 85 has slowed me a bit.
Thanks again to All that respond.


Member III
I would bet on foam adhesion
If it is bedded in foam, the way to free it might be a piece of thin 1/16" cable, looped under, grasping each cable end and worked in sawing fashion for at least 2/3 of length...then maybe pry loose...or keep sawing entire length. Foam is easy to cut with anything if you can get to it, and the cable will bend around corners easier than a piece of solid wire. Just an idea, I actually haven't done this.

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Here's a note from somebody who did it. Mentions cutting a hole in the "quarterberth base." That apparently means just removing the plywood on top, as you have done. He doesn't report any other connections or hold-downs to deal with.



Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
If it is bedded in foam, the way to free it might be a piece of thin 1/16" cable, looped under, grasping each cable end and worked in sawing fashion for at least 2/3 of length.
...or, using a wire to make a slot between tank and foam, and then sliding a webbing strap into that slot so you have something to grab and lift...


Member II
...or, using a wire to make a slot between tank and foam, and then sliding a webbing strap into that slot so you have something to grab and lift...

I took tank out of my 85 38 a couple years ago due to a small leak from diesel bug. After cutting away Q berth baseboard and exposing tank it came out easily It was also easily manipulated from there to stand on end in galley. It will not fit through companion way.

We took about a 5 ish gallon slice of it off the tapered small end with a metal saw and it came right out. The piece we sawed off was included the diesel bug damage so it was just a matter of patching over with good alum welder and pressure testing.

Putting back in was easy.

hope this helps



Member II
Here’s the pics of my 85 e38 extraction


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Ralph Hewitt

Member III

I took tank out of my 85 38 a couple years ago due to a small leak from diesel bug. After cutting away Q berth baseboard and exposing tank it came out easily It was also easily manipulated from there to stand on end in galley. It will not fit through companion way.

We took about a 5 ish gallon slice of it off the tapered small end with a metal saw and it came right out. The piece we sawed off was included the diesel bug damage so it was just a matter of patching over with good alum welder and pressure testing.

Putting back in was easy.

hope this helps

Thanks dug, mine will NOT move?
How did you get it to lift?
What was under yours? Holding it?

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Is there any gap under the aft end of the tank?

One member used the old soccer ball trick to raise his engine--insert deflated, pump it up.

Might break the bond--and your kids must have plenty of futbols. :)

Prairie Schooner

Jeff & Donna, E35-3 purchased 7/21


Member II
Hey Ralph—- mine popped right out. Something underneath bonding it I’ll bet. If you look at my pics, there’s not much to that bulkhead between the batteries and the tank. I’ll bet you’d gain a lot of purchase if that wasn’t there.
