Finally the good info
Sparcraft of Charlotte, NC, was extremely helpful - them manufactured the Ericson masts. After seeing photos of the mast and with a good description of the retangular section, and identifying with my Blue Label type, they definitely agree that the mast is what they call F305 rather than the previous Kenyon section. The mast is lighter but stiffer, "relatively stiffer" but only 20% so. (If one places the mast on two saw horses, with a weight in the middle, the kenyon will bend 20% more than the newer F305)
At our club I noticed an E32 of a later date than my 1987 E34. It also has this same retangular type mast. So all you Ericson owners of post 6/89 have a different mast. Sailmakers should be made aware of it.
Finally, I loosened the headstay 1" tightened the forward lowards to 1000 lbs, loosened the aft lowers to 600 lbs, and I now get more bend, but not over about 4" at most. The bend is very gradual all the way up, not mostly at the top as in the photo seen on this posting) I will test the sail flatness this weekend. My BS adjuster has only 7" !! but it is enough to go from loose to very tight. The forestay with a furled headsail (yes I race with a furling 155 and blade) is very, very loose when there is no bs pressure.
So at least I know if I buy a new mainsail to make sure he knows the mast details. (By the way guys, in eastern NC, unless you are a hugely big spender for many sails, no sailmakers will come out and bend your mast with a turnbuckle to test the bendability.)