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    The 2024-2025 Fund Raising Season has Opened!

    EricsonYachts.org has opened the season for raising funds to support the expenses of the site. If you would like to participate, please see the link below for additional information.

    Thanks so much for your continued support of EricsonYachts.org!

    2024-2025 Fund Raising Info

Isthmus empty


Ex-Viking, Now Native American

After clicking the link, I may have been wrong about reserving for a Friday arrival.:confused:


Having never been, can you tell me a little about each location? Pros/Cons if any.

It depends on what you are looking for :egrin:

The Isthmus is great if you want to watch the comings and goings and the ferry traffic. It is also the best place if you want to go to the sometimes outstanding dances. Cherry and 4th of July are both within easy reach if you have a powered dinghy or don't mind paying $3-4 per person each way for a shore boat (24 hours summer time).

Cat harbor (and Wells Beach) are on the other side of Catalina but very sheltered. I would not get in the water anywhere in Cat Harbor due to pollution, quite a few live-aboards and poor flushing of the water. Much quieter most of the time. Shore boat service and roving pumpout service too (which the Isthmus does not offer. Only dockside pumpout).

Haven't been to the other sites but understand they are wonderful if a bit more exposed.



Ex-Viking, Now Native American
Isthmus be the Isthmus

Looks like I will shoot for Isthmsus since I don't have a motor on my dinghy. Plus my companions are both single lads so I don't think they will be interested in a quiet cove!

Hope I can make it, I have been looking forward to making the sail over for quite some time.

Finally, what exactly is the "string line" I can imagine from the sound of it, but want to be prepared if that is what is available.




The stringline is for boats 25' or less. It's one single line tying together a string of smaller moorings. We spent a lot of time on the stringline in La Petite and it was 'cozy'. It won't be an option for you as I don't think they make exceptions.


Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
I do wonder how Jeff's friend on Hullabaloo (?) did that close to the surf line Sunday night.


Eddie Lopez, aka Capt. UpChuck is still on R2 right next to the Dinghy dock. He's been there for 5 days now hoping the swells will subside to 4 feet. He called me everyday, twice a day since last Thursday when he left. As for my self, I had a wonderful day sail yesterday, watching the mass migration of Hunters come back all under power before noon on Memorial Day.


Ex-Viking, Now Native American
Isthmus Virgin No More!

Well, I made it back from the Isthmus. Made my reservation @ midnight Friday morning for Friday arrival. Took 8 hours to get there, mainly due to wind and my A4 had a fuel issue:mad:. Removed the carb and cleaned it in route. Solved it (well sort of, see later). Successfully got a mooring and didn't even overshoot it, like I witnessed many do! But glad I had crew. Jeff, I'd like to see you moor single handed, I guess slow going and practice!

Got a mooring at J6, so I was close enough to paddel my inflatable and/or kayak. Took me 2 nights to get used to the "motion of the ocean" at night. I was told the west side of the Isthmus is the place to be, if you can get it. Otherwise, there was plenty of moorings available.

The 1st Annual Opening Day was somewhat of a dissappointment. Not much in the way of any activities, other than a benefit raffle, from which I won a certificate for a Day of either kayak rental or mountain bike. Really pleased with the staff all-around.

The weather, unfortunately was overcast on Friday and most of Saturday. Cleared up a bit on Sunday. I was advised to motor out before setting the sails because of the change in wind direction, which we did, however, my A4 conked out again right as we were approaching Bird Rock, but we were able to get the sails up and make progress. Down below to remove the carb again.:mad: Must be bad fuel, because the engine ran fine again after I cleaned it. Made it back in 5.5 hours doing 4 to 6 knots, this time. :)



The staff used to be instructed to be "aggressively friendly" and while that sounds kind of unpleasant most of them really are quite nice.

The west end of the cove is less rolly most of the time but the quiet (uncrowded) east end can often be nicer because you have fewer boats and fewer Honda-people.

Did they have a DJ either Friday or Saturday ?

Glad you got there (and back) as it can be a great place !



Ex-Viking, Now Native American
Social Hour

The Social Hour was from 4-6 on Friday (missed it) and Saturday. I understand there was a DJ on Friday, but I did not see one on Saturday. The Harbor Master and the Assisstant Harbor Master spoke a bit and answered questions from the crowd.

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Hi Todd. Congratulations on your first voyage to the Island. Yeah, you probably have more of a up hill slog coming from Alamitos Bay than I do coming from Pedro. I often don't get a reach until about a 3rd to half way across for you leave early in the day (which I often do). Better reaches come later in the afternoon when the wind picks up. Never took me 8 hours to get there, but once in the winter with the wind coming out of the north east, it took me 8 hours to get back.

I don't know much about A-4's, but I do know that the ethanol content in the fuel these days is hard on little outboards like mine. Gums them up if the fuel get's old. I try to always use fresh fuel and I am now in the habit of adding "Stabil" if I know I am going to store gas for any amount of time. When I know gas is over a month old I just use it in my lawn mower.


As far as picking up a mooring, it does take a pit of practice single handed. I have done it quite a few times, but not always very gracefully. Years ago I hit the can and scratched up my boot stripe pretty good, when they wanted me bow out, with the wind on my ass. Some times it takes a few attempts, especially if the wind is blowing on your stern. You can always ask the harbor patrol for assistance on channel 9. Or just ask them when they meet you at the entrance to the fairway.

I will be heading over there on the 23rd through the 26th.

Sorry about you engine mishaps. I have had my share as well.



Ex-Viking, Now Native American
Isthmus @ 7:00pm last Friday

I guess no reservations required! By Saturday morning, less than a third of the moorings were taken on the east side, probably 75% or better on the west side.

Two Harbors.jpg

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Looking Sharp Todd!

Looking Sharp Todd! :egrin:

I guess the "Gloom of June" forecast kept most away. :esad:

I am going to try to make reservations for the west side for the 23rd - 25th. I will let you know how that goes. :rolleyes:

Congrats on your first channel crossing! :egrin:


Ex-Viking, Now Native American

How did the reservations work out?

BTW, looking at the Two Harbors cam, I noticed the 3 masted ship just ouside of the mooring was there when I was there a couple of weekends ago. It let off its cannon just before heading out on Saturday. Whats the story with that?

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Isthmus Be The Place!

Isthmus Be The Place! Not bad for a Monday.


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