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M25XP Air Intake woes


E32-3 / San Francisco
Blogs Author
Just making the rounds on my Universal M25 after having the mixing elbow, water trap exhaust and alternator bracket changed out. Like most, the air filter contraption is bumbling around atop the engine with no real ability to filter air and more potential to imbue disaster into the intake manifold ;)

Figured I would update: this is what I'm ordering currently: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00062YQRA

Cheers and happy sailing!

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Since so many of us are maintaining good-running Universal diesels, it seems like a good idea to bump this thread for the benefit of newer forum members.


O34 - Los Angeles
I agree this upgrade is essential, based on the mess I found when I opened mine up.

Would be great if we could curate some threads like "M25 Maintenance Essentials"

Prairie Schooner

Jeff & Donna, E35-3 purchased 7/21
There's a nice new K&N air filter waiting to be installed on our M25. I notice in the following posts that some folks put on extra contraptions when routing the crankcase vent to the filter.

MaineSail - PCV Valve - Not even sure what this thing is supposed to do

Reality Check, Catalina 36 w M25 - Oil/Air separator (he opted to keep the original tin can filter)

in post 13, Ken installed an oil trap

What are your thoughts on the necessity of including either of those?

Related EYo Threads
- https://ericsonyachts.org/ie/threads/universal-5432-air-intake-upgrade.4770/#post-147310
- https://ericsonyachts.org/ie/threads/air-filter.20033/
- post 7+ - https://ericsonyachts.org/ie/threads/universal-5432-engine-mounts.15708/
- https://ericsonyachts.org/ie/threads/air-filter-does-size-matter.16614/
- https://ericsonyachts.org/ie/threads/universal-xp25-failure-caused-by-airfilter.11781/
- https://ericsonyachts.org/ie/threads/universeal-5411-1981-air-filter.14091/
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Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
On my M18 when I got the boat the valve cover vent hose was run to a disposable plastic water bottle to collect any oil vapor. There was some oily gunk in there. I routed it to the air filter as per Maine Sail. But I just read this Sailnet post which has me reconsidering. The original system might be safer.
