Marina ice coverage

Kenneth K

1985 32-3, Puget Sound
Blogs Author
Finally installed the emergency intake/winterizing valve combo. What a great setup for easy winterizing!
I agree completely, what a great upgrade (my setup is similar--shown above in post #53).
The engine winterizing process: Run the engine as usual to get it warmed up. Insert the ribbed hose into an antifreeze bottle. Raise the valve handle slowly to the upper position--fluid is sucked from the bottle rather than the thru-hull. Pour a second antifreeze bottle into the first as it's being emptied. Stop the engine when the bottle is drained. Then, remove the hose from the antifreeze bottle, turn the valve to the 45 degree position, and blow into the hose--this blows out the raw-water-intake-hose all the way to the thru-hull (close the raw-water seacock while still blowing into the hose). Raise the ribbed hose and pour antifreeze into it to until the raw water hose is filled. Done!

Prairie Schooner

Jeff & Donna, E35-3 purchased 7/21
I agree completely, what a great upgrade (my setup is similar--shown above in post #53).
View attachment 51730
The engine winterizing process: Run the engine as usual to get it warmed up. Insert the ribbed hose into an antifreeze bottle. Raise the valve handle slowly to the upper position--fluid is sucked from the bottle rather than the thru-hull. Pour a second antifreeze bottle into the first as it's being emptied. Stop the engine when the bottle is drained. Then, remove the hose from the antifreeze bottle, turn the valve to the 45 degree position, and blow into the hose--this blows out the raw-water-intake-hose all the way to the thru-hull (close the raw-water seacock while still blowing into the hose). Raise the ribbed hose and pour antifreeze into it to until the raw water hose is filled. Done!
Thanks for the update Ken. In earlier posts I missed the part about being able to switch instantly from sea water to antifreeze. Now I get it. Definitely a plus.