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New boat song


Member III
In addition to being an amateur sailor, I'm also an amateur musician and songwriter.

I was down on my E27 one night with my guitar and came up with the idea for this song, "Get On That Boat". I think it's a subject that will appeal to all here, if not the performance. :)

Listen to it on Soundclick at:

or download from my website at:

If you have problems listening or downloading, just PM me or send email via my website.

Happy New Year to all my fellow Ericson sailors. Hope 2006 brings you much good sailing fun.

Thanks for listening!


Bob Grenier

Member II
Many Thanks Ralph


Your music will go down to the boat to be added to Dulcinea's music library...As an E-27 sailor and a lover of Blues and Bluegrass...All I can say is thanks for posting the link to Hog Time...Love the name!

Thanks again;


Member III
Thanks for listening and responding, guys!!

Bob, if you go out past the 3 (12?) mile limit and play Hog Time songs, then I can claim on my website that I've been played internationally. :)

Good sailing,

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Liked the music Ralph!

Liked the music Ralph! Right up my alley, I play a bad ass blues harmonica and a little 12 bar on the guitar. I also have a E-27. We should meet at the island sometime and Jam! FYI, my boats named after a good old country folk style song called "The Pride of Cucamonga", by the good old Grateful Dead. The song has some great steel pedal guitar by Jerry Garcia on it. Check it out. It's on the Mars Hotel album from 1973. The same year as my boat!

Lew Decker

Member III

Oh, well...So what I'm rotten jealous? I can't play anything, one of the great tragedies in my life. We have 1 ukelele, 1 washboard, 1 autoharp, 1 piano, 1 trombone, 1 clarinet, 1 tambourine, 2 banjos, 3 guitars, 3 stereos, and a dozen harmonicas. I have a hard time changing the cd's on the stereos.

I love your music, Ralph. My wife (piano, guitar) stopped to listen while I was on your web site. She really enjoyed it, too. Thanks for sharing...:) .


Member III
Thanks a bunch for listening, folks, and the thumbs up!! :) If it wasn't a boat song, I wouldn't have mentioned it on this forum.

On this song I'm playing acoustic guitar and the lap steel guitar. I use a computer to make up the rhythm part (drums, tambourine and bass). I play mandolin on a couple of my other songs, although that's a very secondary instrument for me. The banjo on the other songs is played by my long time friend from high school days.

I have a pretty good 16 track recording setup that will allow me to "overdub" different instruments and vocal tracks one at a time. On the choruses I'm singing (and here I stretch the definition of the word) at least twice.

Jeff, maybe we can get a gig at the bar at the Isthmus. :) I love the blues.

Thanks again,

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Hi -

Yeah, I have to add to that - great song.

I was expecting something pretty 'informal' - and was quite stunned to hear it. It's very nice - and the quality is really great!



Member III
Thanks again to all who have listened!!

Chris, no CD right now but I'm working on one. However, all the songs I have recorded are available on the 2 sites I mentioned in my original post. I'm trying to get at least 10 original songs and a couple of covers before I release my CD. Right now, I have 10 on Soundclick, but the bottom 3 won't be on the CD, for various reasons. So, I'm still short a few.

I'm not very speedy when it comes to recording a song. Hopefully, my old body will last that long. :)

For all, email me through my website or PM me with your email address if you want to get on my "song release" list. I only mentioned this one here because it was a boat song and will continue to do so.

Keep on sailin',

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
More Songs!

Thank you for keeping your song D/L page up for us.
I just visited again yesterday and slurped down few more into my iTunes library. (Now up to eight!)
Real Nice listening. The irony is, that if they were listed at the Apple Store, I would have paid the usual .99 @ for most of 'em.

Funny thing: until that movie, "O Brother Where Art Thou," came along... I never thought I liked bluegrass and related styles. As you point out in your music bio, you do cover quite a wide range of music. :cool:

Anyhoooo, thanks again!

Loren in Portland, OR
Olson 34 Fresh Air

ps: "Breath In Breath Out Move On" from J Buffett's new album is great boat music, IMHO.


Member III

Thanks for reviving this thread!! :) And thanks to all who listened/downloaded as a result.

I was looking at my "play stats" just now and was a bit confused about why all at once I was getting several plays on my "boat songs". However, looking further at the stats I could tell that some people had come to the Soundclick site via this forum thread.

I'm glad to save you 99 cents per song. I'm more into getting the maximum number of plays, not cents. :)

I do have another boat song partially worked up. It's called "There's a Three Quarter Moon Out Tonight". I'll be sure and make a post when it's done (which could be a while).

You're not the only one that got interested in "roots" music because of "Oh Brother". People making that type of music have been getting a lot more gigs since the movie. :)

Sail on,