Interesting notion.....
I see that you are a boatbuilder... Does that mean that you are in the mgmt team at PSC? They still have the tooling for these, last we heard on this list. Rumor is that they might even build one if someone wanders in with enough money....
And then they recently bought this fine web site...
Speaking only for myself, and presuming a sudden inrush of money into my life from a winning Lotto ticket, my wife would then make us buy a new E-38...
That dark blue-hulled one in the splash screen rotation is quite sexy!
On a more serious note, the folks that would know, if you could get them to talk about it would be the gang at Tartan...... they are now trying to build and sell boats in this "traditional fast-but-with-quality cruiser" market nowadays -- epoxy hulls, even.
Ericson is certainly as well thought-of as Tartan... if they can do it, perhaps you could, too.
One thing hasn't changed since the 80's however, the lowest-buck lower-quality end of the "sailing RV" market is still totally owned by H__ter and C__alina....
Frankly, I just do not have the answer you seek....
Slightly Related subject -- do you know the guy in the Tahoe area that bought the tooling for the E-35-3? Or what happened to the tooling for the Olson 34 and 911s, after it went to Port Townsend, WA?
Olson 34, Portland, OR