I noticed this E32-3 for sale at the local marina. https://www.yachtworld.com/yacht/1986-ericson-32--3-cutter-9024354/
It's listed as a cutter, but I thought E32-3s are sloops.
I made an appointment to take a look at the boat this weekend. Is there anything in particular I should lookout for on a cutter rigged E32-3? I a newbie, I'll mostly do a cursory look to see how well the previous owner took care of the boat before deciding on a hiring a surveyor to further investigate the boat.
I am very new, having just completed Small Boat Sailing on Capri 16 at City of Ventura's Leo Robbin Community Sailing Center, their prerequisite course for ASA101. Though the city has been slow in responding to inquiries on ASA 101 class schedule. I thought of just getting a Catalina 30 since they're so ubiquitous, but Christian Williams's sailing videos introduced me to Ericson, and this this website/community made me a believer
Though in the back of my mind, I do wonder if getting a boat at this stage is a bit premature.
I do want to cross oceans, but realistically I know for at least the next year or two or more I'll mostly be coastal sailing, while prepping and getting to know the boat. Once I can make to Hawaii and back, then perhaps it's time for a bigger boat.
It's listed as a cutter, but I thought E32-3s are sloops.
I made an appointment to take a look at the boat this weekend. Is there anything in particular I should lookout for on a cutter rigged E32-3? I a newbie, I'll mostly do a cursory look to see how well the previous owner took care of the boat before deciding on a hiring a surveyor to further investigate the boat.
I am very new, having just completed Small Boat Sailing on Capri 16 at City of Ventura's Leo Robbin Community Sailing Center, their prerequisite course for ASA101. Though the city has been slow in responding to inquiries on ASA 101 class schedule. I thought of just getting a Catalina 30 since they're so ubiquitous, but Christian Williams's sailing videos introduced me to Ericson, and this this website/community made me a believer
I do want to cross oceans, but realistically I know for at least the next year or two or more I'll mostly be coastal sailing, while prepping and getting to know the boat. Once I can make to Hawaii and back, then perhaps it's time for a bigger boat.