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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

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    March Meeting Info

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PNW Rendezvous - July 14-15-16 - Deer Harbor, Orcas Island, WA

Marlin Prowell

E34 - Bellingham, WA
@bgary Thanks for the heads up! We stayed at Deer Harbor Marina last Saturday, and met with the reservations manager when we were there. We talked about our event in mid July. That's when we found out there weren't many boats that explicitly mentioned the rendezvous in their marina reservation. So we posted on Monday for everyone to check their reservation messages.

We talked with the reservations manager again today, and he now has nine boats that mention the rendezvous, still seven short of those who have reported in this thread that they are attending. I created a roster, culled from the posts in this thread, of those attending and emailed it to him. He will use this to see if he can match any other boats in the registration list.


Member III
Blogs Author
Thanks for staying on top of it Marlin and Virginia! Look forward to seeing everyone. Sorry you aren't able to make it up Loren.


Member II
We found our ziplock baggie with the invite on board our 25+ Pepper yesterday as we headed out to enjoy those excellent after work sailing conditions. Thanks Virginia (i assume)! We have reserved a spot at the marina and are most excited for the meet up!

As an aside, this forum has been invaluable to us as we learn the ins and outs of the Ericson line. Much thanks and we'll see y'all in July!

-Andy and Jessi out of Bellingham on board Pepper
Welcome Aboard!

Marlin Prowell

E34 - Bellingham, WA

First, if your boat is 30 feet or longer, you will need a DTOPS decal. The decal is purchased from the DTOPS website and is good through the end of the year. You'll need to create a login account for the website if you do not already have a login. As soon as you purchase the decal, a receipt with your decal number is downloadable from the website.

There are three ways to clear US Customs. Two of them require a cell phone. The last option requires a cell phone with internet access.

Cell service at the border between Canada and the US is interesting. If you are north of Stuart Island and Waldron Island but still in US waters, US cell service does not work, but Canadian cell providers like TELUS, Rodgers, and Bell do work. US cell service starts to work once you are on the west side of Stuart Island, but is marginal on the east side of Stuart Island. Most Waldron Island residents have Canadian cell provider plans.

The three ways to clear US Customs are:

Port of Entry
You can visit one of the ports of entry near Deer Harbor. The Roche Harbor port of entry is about 8.5 nm from Deer Harbor. The Friday Harbor port of entry is about 5.5 nm from Deer Harbor.

If you have nothing to declare and everyone aboard the boat has a NEXUS pass, then you can call 800-562-5943 to clear customs. Even with passes, you may be asked to report in for vessel inspection. There is a lot of specific information about using NEXUS entering Canada, and I did not find the equivalent detail for entering the US. Do some research if you plan on using NEXUS.

Applying for a NEXUS pass is a lengthy process, including an interview. If you don't already have a NEXUS pass, consider the next option.

This last option is relatively new. The CBPRoam app is available for both Apple and Android phones. We used this when returning from the rendezvous last year and it was very convenient.

You'll need to create an account with to use the app. You then enter into the app details about your boat, such as boat name, length, registration number, DTOPS decal number. You also enter details about each person on board, name, birthdate, contact info, and document info, such as NEXUS or passport number. Do this before your trip.

Then when you are traveling to Deer Harbor, use the app to report your arrival. There is a detailed description of this process here.

Since it wasn't clear to me how this would work for Canadian boats, I wrote to the CBPRoam office. Their responses are in red.

========== CPBPRoam email ==========

I am a US resident with a 34 foot sailboat in Bellingham WA. Last year I returned from Canada and used the CBPRoam app to clear customs without going to a customs entry port. I already had a DTOPS decal and everyone on board had a NEXUS pass.

I am organizing a rendezvous for sailboats in Washington State and Canadian boats are invited. I want to find out if the CBPRoam app can be used by Canadians.
Yes everyone can use CBP ROAM to report when arriving by vessel

I understand that everyone with a boat 30 feet and over need a DTOPS decal, regardless of citizenship.
Correct. Some larger vessels also need a Cruise License. The app will prompt with what each user needs.

Can Canadians use the CBPRoam app? This CBPRoam web page does not explicitly state that is for US citizens only.
Yes they are able to.

To use the CBPRoam app, must everyone on board have a NEXUS pass, or can the “inspection” proceed without this NEXUS requirement?
No a NEXUS card is not required to use ROAM.

Not all Canadians will have a cell phone with US cell service. I don’t have Canadian cell service. When I reported last year, I needed to wait until I was in US waters and had US cell service again.

For Canadians, can the reporting and CBPRoam interview happen after leaving a Canadian port but before entering US waters (when they will lose cell phone service)?
Yes and No. They can report their arrival earlier but they need to be within US international waters (3 miles from coast) for it to work.

Are there any other special conditions I haven’t thought of for Canadian boaters traveling to the US looking to use the CBPRoam app?
Not at this time.

========== end of CPBPRoam email ==========

So if you are coming down the Straight of Georgia to Deer Harbor, you should be able to use CBPRoam on your Canadian cell phone once you are in US waters north of Waldron Island. Of course, if your plan includes US calls and data, you will be fine. If you are coming from Victoria, I don't know which country's cell service works on the west side of San Juan Island. You will be passing by either Roche Harbor or Friday Harbor as you travel north, so stopping at a US port of entry is convenient enough.

Pro tip about CBPRoam app on Apple phones: In Settings / Privacy and Security, enable Location Services, Microphone, and Camera for the CBPRoam app. Otherwise the customs officer won't be able to see or hear you.

Marlin Prowell

E34 - Bellingham, WA

Marina Info
This web page lists the marina amenities. Pump out station, fuel dock, grocery store, showers. The web page includes a map of the marina. You might have a printed copy on hand when arriving at the marina.

Hail the marina using VHF channel 78A when the marina is in view to get your slip assignment. Once you tie up, you can go to the Barge Gift Shop ("the red barge") to pay moorage, buy shower tokens, and get the wifi password.

Cell Service
Cell service is pretty terrible in Deer Harbor. Verizon does not work at all. AT&T gets one bar.

Wifi Service
The marina provides free wifi, but because some boats leave their boat wifi base station always turned on, this can interfere with the marina wifi and the wifi service may not be reliable. You may need to move closer to the marina office if you need a reliable connection.

The Island Pie restaurant is across the street from the marina. Indoor and outdoor seating on a patio overlooking the marina. Appetizers, salads, pizzas, and beverages. Menu is on website. We did not try this restaurant.

Mathew's Smokehouse is located at the Deer Harbor Inn, about a half mile walk from the marina. Indoor seating or outdoor seating in a large grassy yard with plenty of space, tables/chairs along with ping-pong, corn hole toss, and "kid-friendly axe throwing (all mini-plastic) area. Really good food and beers/beverages, indoor pool table. Full menu listed on the website. Turn left at the top of the marina ramp, then walk the footpath on the side of the paved road. Right before the road makes a sharp right, take the "Inn + Shortcut" path up the hill on the right side of the road.


Member III
@bgary Thanks for the heads up! We stayed at Deer Harbor Marina last Saturday, and met with the reservations manager when we were there. We talked about our event in mid July. That's when we found out there weren't many boats that explicitly mentioned the rendezvous in their marina reservation. So we posted on Monday for everyone to check their reservation messages.

We talked with the reservations manager again today, and he now has nine boats that mention the rendezvous, still seven short of those who have reported in this thread that they are attending. I created a roster, culled from the posts in this thread, of those attending and emailed it to him. He will use this to see if he can match any other boats in the registration list.
Could someone post the boats who are linked to Rendezvous? I told them i was part of it, but want to be sure. Im guessing there are others. Looking forward to seeing everyone.


Member III
Blogs Author
For Canadians, can the reporting and CBPRoam interview happen after leaving a Canadian port but before entering US waters (when they will lose cell phone service)?
Yes and No. They can report their arrival earlier but they need to be within US international waters (3 miles from coast) for it to work.
Make sure you don’t report arrival on the CBP Roam app until you’re in US waters. We ran into this last summer returning to the US from Montague Harbor. I thought I was being proactive by entering and submitting our info before we crossed, but we were denied clearance because it was submitted while still in Canadian waters. Once denied there was no way to resolve it except going into FH and checking in at the customs dock there. The agent said it’s pretty common. We’ve used it twice since then making sure we’re in US waters and it’s been seamless both times never had to go ashore at all.

Marlin Prowell

E34 - Bellingham, WA
Could someone post the boats who are linked to Rendezvous?
We don’t have such a list, nor does the marina. The registration manager at the marina looks up on the registrations for a particular day, like July 14, and scans through the comments. That’s how we found out a week ago that there weren’t a lot of boats with Ericson Rendezvous notes in their messages

If you have confirmed that you have such a message (as I outlined in post #54 in this thread) you’ve done everything necessary.

As a double check, I sent to the registration manager a list of boats that have self reported in this thread. I described this in post #61. You are on that list as:

Michael and Jan Wilson
Olympia WA
Ericson 38


Member III
We don’t have such a list, nor does the marina. The registration manager at the marina looks up on the registrations for a particular day, like July 14, and scans through the comments. That’s how we found out a week ago that there weren’t a lot of boats with Ericson Rendezvous notes in their messages

If you have confirmed that you have such a message (as I outlined in post #54 in this thread) you’ve done everything necessary.

As a double check, I sent to the registration manager a list of boats that have self reported in this thread. I described this in post #61. You are on that list as:

Michael and Jan Wilson
Olympia WA
Ericson 38
Thanks. See you soon.

Marlin Prowell

E34 - Bellingham, WA

We put out a tentative schedule here, asking for input, but we have not heard from anyone. Help us make this event fun and useful for everyone!

Saturday afternoon is penciled in for a topic presentation, but so far no one has suggested something they can talk about. We have sixteen boats, which we estimate will be about 35 people. Perhaps with this many participants, we might split into smaller groups and have several different discussion groups on Saturday afternoon.

I could talk about NMEA 0183 AND NMEA 2000 network systems, but this might put other sailors to sleep.

Is this multiple topics in parallel a good idea? What can you present as a topic? Please give some feedback about what you would like, or maybe everyone just wants to go swimming at the marina pool...

BTW, Sagres is turning 50 years old this year, so we'll have a birthday celebration for Sagres during the Saturday happy hour!

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC

We put out a tentative schedule here, asking for input, but we have not heard from anyone. Help us make this event fun and useful for everyone!

Saturday afternoon is penciled in for a topic presentation, but so far no one has suggested something they can talk about. We have sixteen boats, which we estimate will be about 35 people. Perhaps with this many participants, we might split into smaller groups and have several different discussion groups on Saturday afternoon.

I could talk about NMEA 0183 AND NMEA 2000 network systems, but this might put other sailors to sleep.

Is this multiple topics in parallel a good idea? What can you present as a topic? Please give some feedback about what you would like, or maybe everyone just wants to go swimming at the marina pool...

BTW, Sagres is turning 50 years old this year, so we'll have a birthday celebration for Sagres during the Saturday happy hour!
Although we can't attend this year as we have children/grandchildren visiting from afar, it has sometimes been possible to recruit a local mechanic, marine electrician, sail loft or rigger to make a presentation and respond to questions. It gives them good publicity, and provides rendezvous participants with useful information. Might be worth exploring...


Member II
Assigning Potluck Items
If you find you are assigned an item that doesn’t work for you/your boat - put a call out on this forum to request a change. Assignments help so we don’t wind up with only desserts (wait…that’s a problem?!)
OR - Island Pie (Pizza based), or Matthews Smokehouse to do a pick-up to bring.
Everyone should bring an item to feed about 8 folks. If you bring something larger, there will be leftovers that will need to be dealt with.
Bringing a potluck dish does not mean you feed everyone attending.
Beverages will always be a BYOB - that way, you have what you like for your beverage.
No stress - keep it simple, keep it easy!

Brass Dragon
Dean Terry (Boat name)

Morning Mist


Second Star
Special K

Potluck time will be about an hour break after the happy hour/Jeopardy to allow for food prep.
More schedule coming out shortly.
We are so looking forward to meeting and connecting with all of you!
- Virginia and Marlin Prowell - Swallow


Member II
I'll be showing off the electrical refit completed over the winter on Gravlax during the grand boat tour. I can do an ad hoc talk about it, but I don't really have time to prepare anything polished.



Member III
Blogs Author
I'd love to learn more about Gravlax's electrical refit as well as NMEA 0183 / NMEA 2000 systems. We haven't touched the electrical or instrument systems on Quincy other than to address a few urgent needs. Would be very interested in gathering info for potential future work.

Self-steering installations whether autopilot (especially below deck) or wind vane would be another topic of interest. Our old wheel pilot is hanging on but not sure for how long.

Thanks for putting together the schedule it looks great to us. We'll plan on providing a main for 8.

See you soon!


Member II
I bumped Gravlax into the appetizer section as requested.
Before we start scrambling more shifting - post an intention for what you might be bringing, but not required.
If someone wishes to switch to a side, that is fine, or not.
I think it will all balance out alright.
I don’t think anyone will starve.

Brass Dragon
Dean Terry (Boat name)

Morning Mist


Second Star
Special K
Last edited:


Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
I'm happy to arrange a side-dish. I'll be cheating... uh, I mean, walking up to Matthews Smokehouse and coming back with some cole slaw and potato salad or something (I don't have refrigeration). Might see if they have wings or some other kind of finger food I can bring, too.

Bruce / Makana

PS, I once made my living as a rigger.... if there's interest in a *very* informal talk about (e.g.) how to tune a rig, or some similar topic, count me in.


Member III
Blogs Author
I'm happy to arrange a side-dish. I'll be cheating... uh, I mean, walking up to Matthews Smokehouse and coming back with some cole slaw and potato salad or something (I don't have refrigeration). Might see if they have wings or some other kind of finger food I can bring, too.

Bruce / Makana

PS, I once made my living as a rigger.... if there's interest in a *very* informal talk about (e.g.) how to tune a rig, or some similar topic, count me in.
I’d love some rig tuning conversation!