The hatches are another issue. They may be a little different on newer boats. But my hatches are not remotely water tight, which is something that I would like to rectify. I've seen Web Chiles videos of him pounding across the sea in his Moore 24, with six inches of water sloshing around on the sole and another 3 or four inches on the leeward settee. :0 No thank you.
First, the main hatch looks like a problem. When I first saw the boat, I thought that must be some crude DIY job of the previous owner. But no... that's just the way it came from the factory. A wood box and a piece of frosted plexiglass. While I suppose it could be made water tight with some gasket material, there are no proper dogs - only four little #4 screws holding the latch down. And it's an odd size - 24" x 18" or so. I haven't been able to find any kind of standard hatch that would be a bolt-on replacement. Looks like a major fiberglass job to fit any other hatch in there. And I'm not completely sure there is room in front of the bulkhead - again, later boats have a slightly different bulkhead placement. I suppose a better hatch could be built, with proper dogs, to fit the existing opening. I haven't gone there yet.
Second, the companionway. As noted previously, the sill is too low for safety. The drop-boards leak. And my boat came to me without a sliding hatch, so there's just a temporary one that I made. Which would work better with a sea hood. And a dodger would keep the rain off the hatch boards. Which is the conventional path that I had been heading down. But last year, I saw a few retrofits of the companionway with watertight hatches
like this one:
Still thinking about it. That particular mod wouldn't work for a tiller-steered boat, but I've seen a similar one that would. (Darn... if I copied those pics, I've since lost them.)
On the other hand, if I seal up my hatches well, then I'll have to add ventilation and a couple of proper dorade boxes! (BTW: The stock cowl vents for the Atomic 4 probably need dorades added.)
One other thought on the subject of hatches: I've seen some people,
such as James Baldwin recommend having steel bars made up for all the hatches, as a security precaution. That would probably also require a steel frame to hold them. Instead of the strip of teak that holds the drop boards, for example