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PSC's Next Step With EY.com

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New Member
I thank all of you for your thoughtful and articulate comments regarding why PSC should support EY.c. I had multiple exchanges with Sean this week as well. Here is the direction that PSC is heading with www.ericsonyachts.com

PSC will donate all the existing content of www.ericsonyachts.com to an Ericson owners association. PSC is authorizing the use of the name and logo for the non-commericial use of the site. PSC has mailed a check to Sean for $400.00 to cover the cost of hosting the site for a year and intends to provide $400.00 per year on a year to year basis in the future.

PSC will construct a new site as soon as Sean can re-locate the exisiting site at www.ericsonyachts.com. Thankfully Sean has agreed to handle the transfer of the site to its new web address.

Your arguments were clear that owners need a place to share information and be a community. PSC needs a place to do what it wants to foster its relationship with Ericson owners. These need to be two different places.

PSC will place a prominate link to the Ericson Owners site on www.ericsonyachts.com

I hope you view this a positive step on PSC trying to improve its relationship with Ericson Owners.

Happy New Year!

Gene Kohlmann

Cary Diehl


This is great news! Thank You and PS for the support. Its amazing to see that there will still support for old owners, like my dad who bought and still has his 1973 E32-2, to the people who are soon to be ericson owners.

Happy New Year! :egrin:


Member III
PSC and EYc

Gene - thanks for your support. Now that we all know what is taking place we can all go have a great new year!


Member I
Arthur D. Shriver


Thank you for your post titled, "PSC'S NEXT STEP WITH EY.COM".

I hope that this relationship will foster good will, build better relationships and be beneficial to both PSC and an Ericson Owners Association.


Arthur D. Shriver


Member III
Step in right direction


Thanks for making a move on this, I had some harsh words for you regarding your intentions, but I am sure the feedback helped you make the right decision. Although you do spark my curiosity on what you plan to do with the web address. Well, I suppose at this point it does not matter. Best regards and good luck with PSC.

Dr. Anderson

Joe Benedict

Member II

It is probably the best (not the simplest) solution for both parties. PSC could have just made a unilateral decision. Thanks and Happy New Year!

Martin King

Sustaining Member
Blogs Author
The next generation

How 'bout toolin' some new Ericson product?


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rob m

Junior Member

Thanks for the support Gene, and please recognize the goodwill it earns you here. will you or some of your crew be at the vancouver of seattle boat shows so that i might express my gratitude in person?



Inactive Member

Thanks again for your (and PSC's) support of this web site. It's refreshing to see in today's business environment that a business will support something w/o a direct benefit to them. I hope that PSC continues to prosper & concur with Martin that it would be nice to see the Ericson name on a new boat again. Having finally bought the boat my wife & I have lusted after since Don showed it to us at a boat show in 1988 it's nice to think that this name is not entirely forgotten!
Thanks again
Bud 1988 E34 "Escapade"


Member II


Clearly, your proposed solution provides all concerned with what's needed. I wish you and the PSC team the best of luck in the future and I will continue to sing the praises of PSC yachts (I even have a cfew friends who own PSC yachts). I suspect your decision will foster the best of feelings among the Ericson loyalists for PSC. I too am interested in what you have in store for EY.c in the future; I expect time will tell. BTW, Sean, has a new web address/URL been identified for the Ericson Owners' Association?

Thanks again!

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Resolution Information

The following was sent out to both the EY.c membership and the Sailnet Ericson List membership on January 1st, and announcement postings were placed in all forums on the EY.c site.

Additional information will be released at an appropriate future date.

Please feel free to contact me directly for additional information.


On December 31st, a resolution was reached between Gene Kohlmann of Pacific Seacraft (PSC) and myself regarding the fate the of the www.EricsonYachts.com website. This agreement provides the basic framework needed for the site to continue its service to the Ericson owners, while at the same time providing PSC what it seeks in the way of URL, etc.

The specific details of this settlement will be disclosed at a later date, once the agreement has been fully executed, however please be aware of one fact now:

The URL of this site, www.EricsonYachts.com will be (or has, I guess) changed to www.EricsonYachts.org - and you will need to change your bookmarks, etc. The current URL will stay connected to this site for the next 60 days, after which it will be re-directed to PSC's servers. During this period, I will be making changes to this website (name changes, link changes, etc) will make all this work.

After this transition period, a Steering Committee will be formed to direct the actions of this site, and its soon-to-be supporting organization, the National Ericson Owners Association (NEOA).

This will take some time to set up and get operating, however it is planned, and enough people have shown interest to make it happen. If you would like to get involved, please feel free to email me at this address.

Again, thank you for your support and efforts during this period. We look forward to seeing you on www.EricsonYachts.org!

Thank you,
Sean Engle


Member III

Everyone keeps referring to a "National Ericson Association". As just one of several EY.c (EY.o? :) ) members who happen to not reside in the U.S.A., should we not be creating the "International Ericson Association"?

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Mike.Gritten said:

Everyone keeps referring to a "National Ericson Association". As just one of several EY.c (EY.o? :) ) members who happen to not reside in the U.S.A., should we not be creating the "International Ericson Association"?

Or perhaps just Ericson Yacht Owners Assoc. (EYOA).

Ya think?


Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Loren Beach said:
Or perhaps just Ericson Yacht Owners Assoc. (EYOA).

Ya think?


Well, if 'national' or 'international' is an issue - then probably the more simple version (above) would be better (less is more).



Member III
Thanks, Gene and Sean!

Thanks to both of you for your efforts to bring this issue to a close!

Gene, thanks for your continuing commitment to this very loyal (and obviously quite outspoken and opinionated) group of owners.

A great start to the new year for everyone!


Member III
I like the simpler version as suggested by Loren. BTW, I have no real issue with the "National..." moniker, we see it in a number of sporting related groups (i.e. National Hot Rod Association NHRA, National Basketball Association NBA, etc.) all of which have Canadian teams or events. It just seemed to me that since we were starting from scratch, why not acknowledge our non-American members by avoiding the socio-political moniker.

Hmmmm....sounds like bitching and whining to me :devil:

Guys, just do whatever works. I really don't have an agenda here! ;)

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
This is fantastic news.

This is fantastic news. I have been out of town and have not checked this site since last week. I feel very relived that this wonderful resource will survive. EYC is my home page on both my personal and home computers. Thank you Gene for supporting us. Thank you Sean for not giving up on us. I feel a real kinship with all the other owners at EYC. The information shared is absolutely invaluable to so many others like myself.

Jeff Asbury
"Pride of Cucamonga" E-27 Hull #355 :egrin: :egrin: :egrin: :egrin:

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Closing Off This Thread

With the closing of this issue, I am locking off this thread and poll from further posts. If anyone has an issue with it, please email me.

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