Thanks for filling us in on the recent adventures. Cinderella looks great. Any thoughts on the type of new boat? Please keep us up to date on your next moves!
We have looked at quite a few boats in our quest. Hard to find something we can trust as much as Cinderella to be honest. We checked out a Liberty 458, a Farr 1220, Whitby 42, 42' Pelin GOP Cat, Shatki Haka 13m, and a Spencer 44/1330. All of the boats we have seen have been driven hard and put away wet, with refit bills far exceeding asking. The Pelin cat even lost steering on the sea trial. But that is what we can afford, so not to shocking.
Ava has fallen in love with center cockpit ketches, I am facinated with the maneuverability under sail a split rig brings. Backing a ketch out of a slip/anchorage, etc. Still need to sort how I'm going to fit enough solar on a ketch to make the thing off grid and electric though.
We really liked the Whitby 42, Ted Brewer really fit a lot of comfort into an affordable 42' hull, and they have nice lines. There is a fin keel version, North Cape 43? for sale in Panama that could be very interesting. I have messaged the broker, but we can't afford the asking right now.
The Spencers (Canadian boats not the kiwi designer) are also high on the list. There in one that need lots of love in Savannah, GA that might just have our name on it, though I would prefer something in sail away condition, with a blown engine waiting for an electric drive refit. Not sure I want to sign up for another full blown refit, but it may not be up to me in the end. We know a cruising family from Tonga that is considering letting go of their Spencer 44 that is currently in Tonga (much closer and ready to sail). They were the family that inspired us to raise a family aboard, so it would be an honor to take over the helm from them.
But I have this other side that likes boats that go fast and are driven easily.... There is a 50' Farr down in Wellington that I keep watching the price slip down on. Don't know how much family participation there would be with a 50' racing mainsail though.
If anyone is aware of a boat that might work for us, feel free to send it over. My new job is fully remote, so we can fly anywhere for the right boat if need be. The family stateside is pulling for the Spencer in Savannah because she would require us to sit tight in the states for a few years before we could get her in a condition to cast off again. I prefer sailing to refitting, so we will see.
A freind here in Whangarei joked about trading down from their Omega 54 (baltic hull finished in Greece for the charter maket). They are looking to sell her, but the refit bill to get her to "for sale" shape is a bit daunting for them. They are moving ashore but still want a boat, and they like the idea of an electric yacht.
We also have a good friend we buddy boated with who just made it to Malaysia, he is on the hunt for a boat for us as well.
Who knows!