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Shopping for Sails - Questions


Member II
After several issues with a high quality furling headsail that did not fit. then was cut small.. I went with a off brand LOONG sails.. It was a third of the cost of other name brands.. I must say I'm super happy with its quality and preformance. Salesman was very therough and assured me I'd be satisfied. and I am... Might be worth a check.
I was told these sails come out of the same loft as other high dollar sails. just the high didg. manufactures sticker cost more.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Their web site has important parts that have not been updated in several years. It's good that your gamble was successful.
If the local sales person claimed that "high dollar sails" all come from the same loft, that's just not true. The big sailmakers have their own lofts and their own R&D facilities.
I should note that there have been long time offshore sail builders like Lee, and they can build a decent product, albeit they are best at producing Dacron sails, IMHO.
Again, if your new sail fits. holds shape, and holds up to continued use, revel in you good fortune. :)


Member III
The fabric all comes from China the design and assembly does not on most of the premium brands. I'm not trying to be a donkey about it just informational. I think UK has a big loft in Chicago that does their laminate sail layups, I know my UK dacron sails were cut and assembled in Texas. My F18 sails were made by EP in Newport Beach, CA. Quantum, North or Doyle have a big loft in Nevada with a bulletproof glass room for the maxi yacht machine because the needles can explode from the force. I think Quantum and North may have farmed their OD stuff out to India or China. But there is a noticeable difference in construction from a custom made sail assembled in the U.S. compared to a Chinese one. The new UK main I bought last year had thread that matched the boat hull colors and higher quality hardware was used like stronger track slugs, aluminum jam cleats for leech lines(not plastic),dyneema blend webbing/lines, and RBS battens. Some of these items are options that online overseas lofts do not offer. The sailmaker even came out for a sail to verify fitment and make adjustments even a few tricks like inhauling the genoa. Also having a local loft for repairs and recuts is convenient and usually free. Attached a video of the big North loft if you wanna nerd out.


Prairie Schooner

Jeff & Donna, E35-3 purchased 7/21
Our Dacron sails were made in-house at the local Quantum affiliate, Steve Thurston in Bristol, RI. We're very pleased with the sails and customer service. We got boat show pricing and though higher than remote lofts, feel like we got good value for it. But, options exist because one solution is rarely right for everyone.

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Also, sail design is proprietary and that's what high-end lofts are selling. And customer service, which sells me.

But I gotta say, for a temporary boat or during the times I was broke, the knock-off brands would have been vastly better than 15-year-old stained rags. Our members who've bought sails mail order seemed pleased, despite all the warnings.:)

Chevy or Mercedes, both are shiny and both get you there.